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Chapters 32.

Angrily, Star storms into the bathroom and starts stripping off her wet clothes.  She use a small white  towel to wraps her wet hair then wraps another one around her body. Everything she does she curse madly at Ace in her head, she can't believe they're actually fighting and they are not together.

She walks back into her room to get dry clothes but comes face to face with him. He stares down at her hard but she walks away from him and starts digging through her closet.

"Who was that guy you were in here with?" He asked her, causing her to pause from what she was doing.

"What does it matter? Oh! I forgot it doesn't matter to you so why asking?" She scoffed, getting back to her closet.

"So he's  your new f**k buddy now that's why you ditch me?" He snapped rudely.

"What did you just say?" Star asked walking over to him.

She goes as far up in his face with flare blazing in her eyes. She can't believe he just said that to her, like she's some kind of hoe. She want to knock some sense into his head since he lost his damn mind but she disagree against it and step back looking up on him.

"You know what Ace.... Just go and don't speak to me again" her voice sounding croaked and broken.

She walks to her underwear drawer and grab a red lace bra with matching underwear and head to the bathroom door.

"I'm sorry Star, I don't kn--

"Don't apologise Ace.... Just don't because you don't mean it" she snarled at him.

He walks over to her but she place her hand up signalling him to stop.

"You don't have to pretend like you are sorry, I get it and I get who you are. I know the type of man you are but still I go ahead with you thinking I could play it safe but I fail.  I f**king fail Ace, I made the rules and I break them.... I shouldn't fall for you but I did... I don't even know why I'm telling you this and it doesn't matter to you" her eyes becomes glassy as she speak.

She had to let it out, it was driving her insane and even though he might not feel the same about her, she feel much relief that he knows. When she didn't hear his reply, she walks into the bathroom and close the door.

She takes a deep breath then exhale before dropping the towels and putting on her underwear. She lean against the door with her hands on her chest hoping she could stop it from hurting.

"Star open the door" Ace knocked on the door.

"Why so you can make fun of me for falling for you?"

"No... I...I just want to let you know that I feel the same way about you, I have feelings for you Star" he breaths out,  resting his head on the door.

It was hard to let it out but after hearing that she feel the same, he couldn't hold it any longer. He's scared to share his heart with anyone, he built this tall wall around it but Star broke it down. He wants to be with her even if it mean he have to be faithful.

"You don't have to pretend to feel the same way just to let me feel better Ace,  I understand and I'll get over it... eventually " she whispered the last words.

💋TEMPTATION💋 《Book One》✔Where stories live. Discover now