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I wake up suddenly to a noise from outside my room.

"Younghyun! Dinner!" The voice says. I groan.

"Coming!" I yell and I jump off my bed and walk out. My father and sister are sitting at the dinner table, while my mother is bringing in things from the kitchen. I slide in to my chair and smile. My father looks up from his phone.

"Where have you been Younghyun? I called your name a while ago and there was no answer." He asks.

"I was studying. I had my earbuds in. Sorry." I lie. It just made more sense to lie. Seulgi tilts her head.

"But weren't you als-"

"Nope." I cut her off and stomp on her foot. She lets out a tiny wince and glares at  me.

"Damn it Younghyun. I think you broke my foot." She hisses at me.

"Good." I mumble back. Which in turn just makes her angrier. I smile bitterly and she just narrows her eyes at me. My mother senses the tension and changes the subject.

"Anyways. Seulgi how was guitar practice today?" She asks setting down food on the table.

"It was fine." She replies as she snatches a piece of bread.

"I still don't get why you won't let me teach you!" I complain. "I'd make an excellent teacher."

"No. I don't want my greasy brother to teach me." She jokes.

"Greasy? Greasy my ass." I scoff. My mother looks up.

"Younghyun." I can sense I'm about to be scolded. "Cursing is not attractive."

"Well neither am I, so it fits." I say proudly. My father stares at me with disappointment.

"Kids these days." He mumbles under his breath. The entire table still hears him despite of that.

And that's how we ended up eating dinner in complete silence.

After which I head back to my room and sit down. I start screaming quietly and Seulgi walks in.

"What is with you today?" She asks. I can tell she really didn't care too much about my answer.

"Ms.Im gave me detention. She is the reason why kids drop out."

"I'm sure you're overreacting. She's nice to me!" Seulgi says sitting down on her own bed.

"I know." I said coldly. "I've heard many a 'You're related to Kang Seulgi? Are you sure?' and 'Why aren't you more like your sister?' It's fucking hurtful." I say holding up a peace sign jokingly to lighten the mood. Or because I don't take anything seriously.

"Maybe she'd be nice to you if you applied yourself." Seulgi says in her bitchy tone.

"Maybe you'd be less annoying if you shut the hell up." She just rolls her eyes and leaves the room. I roll my eyes once she's out of eyeshot and continue doing my homework. Today has been an eventful day to say the least.

I woke up to my annoying ass alarm blaring in my ear. It was always set to the most annoying sound. I wanted to set a song or something, but Seulgi always complained that songs never wake her up. Rather than argue and have to wake her up myself, I reluctantly caved and now it sounds like a fire alarm whenever I wake up.

"Seulgi!" I groan.

"What you rat?" She retorts snippily. She was the worst kind of person in the morning.

"Turn it offfff." I complain. I hear a loud, dramatic, audible sigh come from her as she flails her hand around to press the snooze button. I sit up and race over to the bathroom. She does the same. I slam the door and she pounds on it.

"Younghyun you asshole! You always take forever, let me go first!" She yells. I smile at myself in the mirror.

"You snooze, you lose."

"Oh what are you? Eight years old?" She mocks. This is fun honestly.

"Mentally, yes." I say, still content with how angry she is.

"Oh fuck off Younghyun." She screams. I get ready still beaming at the fact I could really get under her skin like that.

After I get ready I walk downstairs to see a very angry Seulgi slamming her things onto her school bag.

"Hey." I greet.

"Fuck off." She says in response. Wow what a christian the piston. I ignore her and get my stuff together while she goes upstairs. I go to grab something to eat before school so I won't be hungry all day, but all of the food is missing. What the hell. I knew we needed groceries but I could have sworn we had bad cereal. I look all over the kitchen and then realize. Seulgi.

I storm up the stairs and burst into our room.

"Seulgi!" I yell. She smiles sweetly.

"Yes Younghyun?" She asks innocently.

"Where is the all the food?"

"Oh I ate it." She smiles in spite. "I guess you could say, 'you snooze, you lose'"

"Well played she-devil. Well played." I glare at her and go down stairs. It's time to leave anyway.

"Seulgi hurry or I'm leaving without you." I scream. The day was already off to a bad start.

I arrive at school at the normal time and move to grab my materials for class that day. I glance around the hallway and see Sungjin writhing around on the floor, laughing his ass off. I sigh in disappointment. Does he not get we are in public?

"Sungjin." I say. "Get over here and tell me what is so damn funny." He stumbles over, still laughing as hard as could be. He tries to speak but nothing comes out, just laughs. Finally he regains his speaking ability.

"Hey Younghyun! You're never gonna believe this! Someone made a fan account for you." He says, just to start howling in laughter once again.

"Excuse me?" I say. He's got to be joking.

"L- Look." He laughs and shoves his phone in my hands. I squint and look at it.

"Their username is 'kangyounghyunishot'." I read in disbelief. Which just makes Sungjin collapse in even more laughter.

"Sungjin. Get up, you're causing a scene."

"Sorry." He says sheepishly. "That is just fucking hilarious."

"Their bio is just 'Isn't he just the man of your dreams? And if you said no, stop lying to yourself.' Is this a fucking practical joke?"

"It's so funny. That's what it is." Sungjin says happily.

"Oh my god. 257 followers! Does the whole school follow it?" My eyes widen in disbelief.

"Oh Younghyun. You have a secret admirer!" Sungjin laughs. I cover my face.

"This day just gets worse and worse." I screech and slink down the front of my locker onto the floor.

I have a feeling this day was going to be horrible.

I honestly love my new theme more than i love myself.

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