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I wake up and immediately spring up to get ready for the day before my mother can come and yell at me for not being awake and prepared to leave. She just likes to come up with any excuse to yell at me.

I quickly sip down the last of my tea and grab my bag. I try to open the front door as quietly as I can but somehow my eagle-eared mother hears it.

"Jaehyung. Come here this instant." Crap. I walk over and she stands in front of me with her arms crossed. It would be more intimidating if she was taller than me.

"Yes, mother?"

"You didn't even greet me or tell me you were leaving." She says coldly. "Next time, do so."


"Excuse me?" Her head tilts in anger and I mentally slap myself.

"Okay, Mother." I correct myself.

"Now off to school. You're going to be late." She says pushing me off towards the door. I sigh and walk out. I get in my car and turn on Fancy by Twice because I have taste. Listening to music while driving is the only way I can keep from falling asleep in the morning and getting into a crash.

I rush into school to prevent myself from being late and angering my teachers first thing in the morning.

Sliding into my seat, I start doing the homework I didn't do last night because I was to busy fooling around with my fan account. The bell rings and I frown as I notice my seat partner isn't here. Oops no copying for me. Well if we're being honest, I doubt he did his anyway.

Scrambling in the door, looking completely disheveled, was Yoon Dowoon in all his glory. He sits down next to me and I smile.

"Hey Dowoon." I start. "Where's your sleeve?"

"Blame Wonpil." He groans. I raise an eyebrow.

"What were you two doing?" I say smiling. He takes that as an appropriate time to sock me in the arm. "Ow!" He ignores my pain and continues.

"You're icky. It wasn't like that!" He whines. "Wonpil wanted to go get a book from his locker, but I told him that I was going to be late. So he started pulling me by the arm towards his locker. And since I'm petty, I stood still. But he didn't notice and kept walking, taking my sleeve with him." I burst out laughing and Dowoon just pouts like a child.

"Okay. That's the best thing I've heard in a long ass time!" I say, still laughing.

"Oh come on. You run a fan account for Younghyun and that's the best thing you've heard?" He asks. My eyes widen and I shush him.

"Who told you that?" I hiss. That's when I realize. My eyes narrow. "Wonpil." Dowoon smiles like an idiot.


"Tell anyone and I will cut out your throat." I threaten.

"Intriguing." He responds jokingly. I hit him and he just laughs.

I turn around and look at the lesson. I was the only thing to do since Dowoon fell asleep. Yeah, that sounds right.

The class goes by slow because there is nothing to kill time. The teacher's voice is too monotone for me to actually want to pay attention, and my only friend is asleep in his chair. I raise my hand and ask to leave, and thankfully the teacher doesn't ask too many questions. I walk over to the bathroom, and I lean against the wall. Taking out my phone, I make another post to my account. I have nothing better to be doing anyway. As soon as I press 'OK' to post the picture, the bathroom door swings open and nearly hits me. I let out a not so manly scream and the person just laughs at me.

"Jumpy, are we?" He asks. I see that it's just Younghyun.

"You scared the crap out of me." I say. He laughs.

"So what are you doing in here?"

"Class is boring. So I asked to go to the bathroom so I could get out of it for a couple of minutes." I explain. He nods in understanding.

"I came here to look up something for a class. There is a surprise quiz in math and I totally don't know what the hell the quadratic formula is."

"x equals negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four ac over two a, my dude." I recite. He looks a little surprised and a little disgusted.

"Yeah... I'm just gonna write this down on my arm and go back to my test." He says, pointing at the equation on his phone. "Got a pen?"

"Why the hell would I have a pen?" I ask. He just shrugs.

"Well, I better get back to failing my class!" He says with fake enthusiasm. "See you later, Jaehyung!" He walks out the door and I turn to the mirror and let out a silent-ish screech. Damn is he attractive in every way? I compose myself and walk back to my own class.

I arrive back and Dowoon has awoken from his nap.

"Where did you go?" He asks, yawning.

"Bathroom." I reply. He raises an eyebrow.

"For like eight minutes?"

"Oh shit was I really gone that long?" I look at the clock in the front of the room.

"Eh, he didn't even notice. I'm sure he didn't even realize that you had left to be honest." Dowoon says, pointing at our teacher. He is sitting at his desk looking down, most likely asleep.

"Cool. I got to skip class and talk to Younghyun, and I'm not going to get in trouble for it." I brag. Dowoon gives me a suggestive smile.

"Younghyun, huh?"

"Begone." I respond. He just sits there, staring at me with that stupid grin. I roll my eyes at him.

The bell rings and I walk as fast as I can to get out of that class. That class couldn't have felt longer. I look down at my phone and see that Younghyun has commented on my new post.

[INSTAGRAM] YoungKang4 commented: "this is gonna make me sound like a complete narcissist but,,,, hot damn"

I scoff. He might be in love with himself, but so am I so who's to talk, right?

so since she doesn't read my stories, (which she should if you're here show yourself coward), im going to talk about how i got this inspiration from one time my friend made a fan account on instagram for this really icky math teacher we had. so she made a fan account just using pictures from the school website and everyone would dm her being like "who are you lol" and it was really funny. (btw she didnt do it because he deserved appreciation or whatever. he was legit a pedophile and im glad he got fired) but she made the mistake of showing it to him and the principal got involved. but they never found out it was her! but she had to delete the account 😔 rip the fan account for our pedophile math teacher✊😪

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