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I stand and look up at the school building. I definitely should not have stayed up all night. I lazily drag myself inside and try to find Sungjin.

As I walk down the hall, I feel a larger number of stares and glances on me than usual. I hurry up and try to find one of my friends.

Sungjin spots me first and races down the hall. He looks excited and concerned at the same time.

"You look like shit." He points out. I sigh.

"Why thank you." I reply sarcastically.

"You really stayed up all night?" He asks. I groan and lean over onto a locker near me.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask. He nods. "Today has just been a shitty day."

"How so?" He asks. We both start to walk as I continue.

"Well we were out of tea and I had to drink more coffee. Look, my hand won't stop shaking rapidly." He grabs my wrist and tries to steady my hand, but gives up after twenty seconds of my hand barely reacting. "So I'm tired, ugly, and vibrating."

"Big rip."

"Oh and also people keep looking at me!" I say.

"Finally, one I can actually explain!" He says. I stop and give him a confused look.

"Well I guess last night you put a 'J' in your instagram bio, and now people think you're dating Jeongyeon, the sophomore." He says. My jaw drops.

"They think i'm WHAT?" I yell, causing even more stares than before. "I hate life."

"Speaking of hating life, class is about to start." Sungjin says. I groan.

"See you at lunch." I say. The two of us go our separate ways.

The first four classes of the day seem to creep by slower than usual. Well at least the first three do. The fourth was pretty fast, considering I fell asleep for most of the period. I'm honestly surprised Mr. Moon didn't catch me.

I walk with Wonpil to lunch and we both are the first to sit down at the table. I sit to the right of Wonpil on the very edge of the bench.

Dowoon and Jaehyung arrive a few minutes later and Dowoom sits as close as he can to Wonpil, squishing him and subsequently shoving me closer to the edge of the seat. Jaehyung scoffs at that and sits across from me.

Sungjin arrives five minutes later, and sits across from Wonpil, and next to Jaehyung.

We all talk about how much homework our bitchy teachers have given us over the weekend and how most of us are going to do none of it.

"I have to do it." Jaehyung says, taking a sip of his soda. "My mom is a real bitch, and if there is one zero on my report card she'll cut my card."

"For one zero?" I say, mouth dropping open.

"Yup." He says. It surprises me that he is so casual about the fact that if he doesn't turn in one thing, his mother cuts him off. "I can't wait to get a job, so I can slack off a little."

Wonpil laughs a bit. "That's not exactly going in the right direction, Jae."

My eyes widen. Did he just say J?

"Huh?" I say, not meaning to say that out loud.

"Oh. We call Jaehyung, 'Jae'." Dowoon explains.

"Jae as in the first half of Jaehyung." Jaehyung clarifies. "You can call me Jae, if you want."

"Okay." I say, a bit relieved. "When you said Jae, I freaked out because that's the name my fan account owner gave me. But just the letter J."

"Oh yeah! Your fan account." Wonpil says, smiling from ear to ear.

"Do you guys know who that is?" I ask desperately.

"No idea." Jae says, taking another sip of his soda.

"I'm really upset that I'm too stupid to find out who it is!" I exclaim.

"You can't beat yourself up about something that you can't control. So don't waste energy hating it, and use it to fix it." Sungjin says. They all nod in agreement.

"Damn. Since when were you smart?" I ask, jokingly of course. Sungjin gives me a snippy look and goes back to eating his chips.

"Anyway, if I hear anything about it I'll tell you." Jae says.

"Same." Dowoon agrees. I sigh in relief. I really don't deserve such good friends.

"Younghyun!" Seulgi screams up the stairs. I flinch.

"What? I'm doing the homework!" I yell back.

"Just come here." She says. I walk down and see her with her computer open and a sickly smile on her face.

"What the hell is this?" She asks. She flips her laptop around and I see my dreaded fan account.

"You just saw that?" I scoff, trying to remain calm and collected.

"Did you make this for yourself?" She questions.

"How narcissistic do you think I am? Of course that's not me!" I retort. She raises an eyebrow.

"Then show me." She says. I sigh and pull up my instagram. She grabs my phone (which makes me very nervous, I hate other people using my phone) and looks at the accounts.

"You have an NCT fan account?" She says, laughing a bit.

"That's not important, Seulgi! The important thing is that it isn't me!"

"But," She pauses. "No one could ever like you!"

"Wow, thanks for the compliment, my dear twin sister."

"No problem." She says with a joking wink.

"Anyway, do you have any idea who it could be?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"The only person I could think of is... Eunji maybe." She says.

"I don't think so." I respond. "The owner said they were male."

"Think of it this way. Eunji is batshit crazy. She could be doing this to get your attention." Seulgi says. I take a second to mull over what she is suggesting.

"Maybe. I'll keep that in mind." I say as I steal a handful of her goldfish and run back up to do the homework I said I wasn't going to do.

I feel really dizzy and lightheaded and i've had like at least a gallon of tea and my hand won't stop shaking so im shaking and about to faint🤪

also i have really short hair so i put my hair in two buns when i put it up because the bottom half doesn't fit in one bun and my friends call it my 'dinosaur hair' and i have my dinosaur hair right now😌

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