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I arrive at 1:45 just to give myself extra time to freak out before the Park Jaehyung shows up. I pick a table in the corner and start drumming my fingers on the polished wood. I honestly have no idea why I asked this boy out, I'm awkward and cowardly and he's adorable and funny.

He's everything I wish I was. Smart, responsible, cute, and put together. Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. And if you can't join 'em, date 'em I guess.

I glance down at my watch to check the time for the third time in the last two minutes. Checking the time is a strange nervous habit of mine.


Maybe he's just late!

Thankfully, I am right and Jae comes strolling in. He glances around and we make brief eye contact. My heart rate skyrockets higher than recent gas prices as he comes and sits across from me.

"Sorry I'm late! My mother was upset with me and didn't want me to go, so I had to sneak out." He says, resting his elbows on the table.

"Ha. What'd you do?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood. Big mistake.

He clears his throat. "Be gay."

"Oh shit. I'm so fucking sorry." I apologize.

He seems to laugh, which hurts my soul. "Well, I haven't officially come out. It was more me suggesting that it was a dude who ran the—y'know—fan account."

My jaw visibly drops when I realize it's all my faukt. "Oh my god, I'm so sor-

"Please, don't apologize. It's not your problem." He cuts me off. "I'm almost eighteen, anyway! Bye-bye, mother of my nightmares!"

"Eighteen? I'm turning seventeen." I whisper. He laughs and smiles for the first time since he's been here.

"Funny and sad story. In the third grade, I had one C+ and my mother had me held back an entire year." He laughs while I try to force a smile, as not to make him even more sad.

"Oh yeah, I'm trying to earn that coin to save up for my own place, so If you know anyone in need of guitar lessons, let me know!"

"Hmm. I'll be right back!" I say. I quickly dial a number and stand out of earshot from Jae. The phone rings for what seems like forever and the other line picks up.

"What?" My annoying sister says crankily. I laugh.

"I have a favor to ask."


"Yes!" I yell back at my stubborn sister.

"I'm not going to quit my lessons to take lessons from your weird boyfriend!" She pouts. Twin sisters, am I right?

"He's not my boyfriend. Also, do it!"

"No! The only reason I go is because my instructor is really cute." She admits.

"Jae is cute!" I say, pushing it at this point.

"He's your boyfriend, not mine! I enjoy having my instructors arms around me, it won't be the same. This one is gay and taken." She is pulling at threads.

"Do it."


"Dooo ittt."


"Do it."


"Do it."



"God, fine!" She screams in frustration and hangs up. I smile and skip back over to Jae.

"Sorry!" I tell him. His gaze is focused out the window. I take a second to admire the boy sitting before me. His brownish hair with little blonde bits is adorable and his eyes make me want to end it all. How did I end up with such a perfect and beautiful boy? I guess this is my karma because I have been screwed over lately. I'm not complaining one bit, this is one hell of a good deal. They boy snaps out of his trance and smiles at me and pats the table, as if to say, "sit here now". I do as he says.

"What were you doing? I heard yelling." He says, pushing his hair off his glasses.

"After consideration, and by that I mean me yelling, my demon sister is unwillingly your first guitar student!" I tell him. His eyes light up.

"Younghyun, really? Oh my god, thank you. It means more than you think." He looks so happy and it makes my heart melt inside. He gets up and reaches his arms out so I do the same and hug him tighter than I've hugged someone in a while. I can feel him smile, even without seeing it, I can imagine it. It creates peace within me.

"Hey." I say. He looks kinda confused.


"Come here we're sitting next to each other. And you're taking a picture with me." I give him a smile just so he can't say no and he sits.

I take a nice picture of us, and It's easily one of the best Jae pictures I have. I suddenly think of a plan that I might just have to implement. I want to take a picture with my boy on every date we go on.


I sneak back through my window, as not to anger my mother. I hope she doesn't notice I was out and just thought I was mad or sleeping.

I shut my window as carefully as possible and I sigh when it doesn't slam. I get my phone out and decide to scroll through my fan account to see if my mom unfollowed me yet, but instead I see a post from Younghyun.

 I get my phone out and decide to scroll through my fan account to see if my mom unfollowed me yet, but instead I see a post from Younghyun

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"What a nerd." I mumble, screenshotting it to save it forever. He really is the cutest and I'm just an awkward being. Just look at that picture, he's looking at me like I'm the only boy in the room, and I look like I had no clue what to do with my hands.

Is it too early to say I love him? Probably, I simply think this boy is different than any person I've ever dated. He's sweet, he cares, he's male!

Usually men are not shit, but in this case, it's different. He's perfect in his own personal way.

And he has manners!

I go down stairs after an hour or so, to make sure the cold had worn off my face. I see my devil mother doing bills at the table and I quietly walk into the kitchen, not making too much noise because my mother isn't exactly thrilled with me.

"Jaehyung." My mother starts. I stop in my tracks and wince. The air seems to go cold around me. "I'm."

She chokes on her words. "I'm sorry. For getting angry at you earlier, that is."

I smile on the inside. It's unexpected and kind of nice to hear her own up to her actions.

"I shouldn't have made that nasty, homophobic comment. I am aware that I can be harsh to you, but let's get one thing straight, boy. I will only get upset with you for things that could be influenced by choice. I swear you will never get in trouble for something you can't control. Emotions, sexuality, fan accounts." She mumbles the last word, as if she thinks it's stupid to say out loud. I feel like laughing.

"Does that mean I'm ungrounded?" I ask, very quietly.

"Yes." She agrees. "Now go upstairs or something. I'm busy."

"Yes, mother." I feel unnecessarily happy. Yes, she isn't the best at parenting, but her heart is in the right place.

when you get mf BRACES ew these are so gross

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