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Jae and I walk with our shoulders touching as we follow the paved area around the edge of the park, the scent of spring rain and flowers in the air as we continue down the path. The sounds of busy streets and calming nature intertwine into background noise as my main focus becomes only Jae and his small mannerisms. I start to pick up on the way that he seems to pick at his nails without intention or how his artificial blonde streaks flop into his face, but are pushed up by his round glasses.

He notices my stare and he pulls his jacket hood over his hair and half of his face.

"Hey!" I pout. "Pull that back down."

"No, sir," he replies, holding up *that* peace sign and face combo. I laugh at him and reach to pull it down for him and he looks into my eyes.

"How is this actually happening? I was an idiot and I thirsted over you publicly, like on the internet for everyone to see, and despite that fact, you still wanted to date me," he realizes, his laugh filled with embarrassment.

"I find the whole 'public declaration of attraction' situation quite endearing, my dear," I reply honestly, making him look more defeated.

"Oh my god, I'm stupid, like stupid-stupid, like I am a stupid boy, Younghyun," He groans. I smile at him and look slightly up at him to make eye contact.

"Yeah," I agree, "But you're my stupid boy." His head tilts and he gives me a look that is somewhere in between disappointment and amusement.

"Wait, did you just inadvertently call me stupid?" Jae asks, but I cut him off promptly by placing a hand on his face and shutting him up by kissing him.

"No, it was intentional, sweetheart," I joke and he sticks his tongue out at me.

"Meanie," he sulks.

"That's me," I say, grabbing his hand and securing it within my own.

We continue down the path and the city surroundings turn into trees and shrubs as the pavement winds into the park. I feel my hands get warmer in response to the contact of Jae's and I browse topics in my head that I want to discuss with him as a way of getting to know him a little bit better. I decide on something simple to start.

"How is your first time skipping class going?" I ask.

"Are you assuming it's my first?" he retorts. I give him a glance of insinuation that I am. "Okay, maybe it is. It's fun since I'm with you, but I left my guitar at school, so I can't get it for a week because of spring break, which is a bummer."

"If that's what you're upset about, I will go get it for you. I will hop the fence, set off the alarms, and snatch your guitar back for you," I tell him, most serious in every way. He laughs.

"I'm not trying to have to make weekly prison visits for you," Jae retorts.

"I'm sure your mom would love you dating a gay criminal," I bring up the topic, hoping he takes it as a cue to say what he's comfortable with.

"My mother would probably be happy. You would be out of my life, at least partially, and I wouldn't have a guitar? She'd jump at the opportunity to send me off to a normal university," He explains bitterly. I can't seem to figure out this loving-loathing dynamic Jae and his mother seem to have.

"How about this? My parents are going on vacation and I think my sister is going to mostly be staying with her friends, so why don't you come to stay with me for the week?" I ask, hoping it won't be too weird.

"Do you know how much I'd love that? I'll have to do some serious sweet-talking on my mother, though," Jae replies, eyes lighting up.

"It's getting late, I'll walk you home," I tell him.

After I drop Jae off a block away from his house so his mother doesn't see me, I proceed back to my own.

I walk in the door to see my dad fumbling over something in the kitchen, my mom trying to help him, and my sister laughing at them and not bothering to lend a hand.

I planned to propose the idea of Jae staying here at dinner, but I realize that I have to do so without notifying them that I'm gay. I mean, of course, Seulgi knows, but that's just because I physically can't hide something that big from my twin; she can tell when I'm lying.

"Hey, guys, since no one is going to be here this week, can my friend come to stay with me? It's sort of a weird situation for him at home with his mom, so I wanted to help out and offer somewhere to stay," I explain. Seulgi grins at me widely and raises an eyebrow.

"Which friend?" My mother asks.

"Yeah, Younghyun, which friend?" Seulgi teases.

"My friend, Jae. Well, Jaehyung, I guess."

"I'm fine with it," My dad says. My mom nods in agreement and Seulgi muffles her laughs in her sleeve.

"Thank you!" I thank them and rush up to my room to call him and tell the news.

The phone rings a few times and his face pops up on the facetime screen.

"Park Jaehyung, will you move in with me for a grand total of eight days with me?" I propose dramatically. He laughs and his glasses slip down his face.

"My mom actually agreed," he starts, sounding as surprised as I am. "Well, I told her I was hanging out with your sister and teaching her guitar."

"Oh my goodness, you can play my sister's guitar while you're here! It doesn't even matter you left yours!"

"Everything's falling into place," Jae contently sighs.

"Everything fell into place the day I discovered I had feelings for you," I admit, smiling at him.

Just then I hear the sound of gagging and my annoying twin standing at the door of our room.

"Get a room!" She exclaims.

"This is my room, she-witch," I make sure to tack on some lame insult.

"Then get a different room." I roll my eyes at her.

"Bye, babe, see you tomorrow!" I say. He smiles.

"See you tomorrow!" He responds and ends the call.

Seulgi looks at me from her bed and scoffs.

"I can't believe you're getting away with this whole scheme. Maybe if I go gay, it would just be easier," She sighs.

"Seulgi, you don't 'go gay', you need a natural attraction to women," I tell her. She looks at me strangely.

"What do you mean? Having an attraction to the same sex is normal," She says. I purse my lips.


"You're confusing me. My attraction to women doesn't mean I'm gay," She tries to convince me.

"That's literally the definition," I laugh.

"Oh, whatever. I'm not gay, so it's fine," She says. "I'm gonna go eat, come with me."

This is going to turn out interesting.

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