222 11 14

I wake up Saturday morning at 10 am to about a million texts from my group chat. I really don't want to read each one, but I know it'll bother me if I don't.

we do crack :)

hello friends!

what's the
answer to number 28 on
the math hw?

bold of you to assume ive
started it

bold of you to assume im
going to do it at all

n e wayz.

i got 345

i got 127

i got abraham lincoln...

wow big help both of

i got 345 too

i started on 28 just
for you😍

can i ask something
unrelated but important?


im saying it anyway

can we change the gc name
because i'm more of an acid
dude then a crack dude

i got this 😎

bob😤 changed the group name to "anime tiddies"

anime tiddies

sungjin no

sungjin yes

sungjin yes

oh my god i sleep in
for once in my damn
life and my friends already
do something ridiculous

younghyun you are awake


also i got 345

damn what did i do

its not you, math is
wrong :(


oh oh!

we should all go out today

because we never do that

it'll be fun

let's go get milkshakes!

hell yeah! milkshakes
sound bomb as FUCK
right now

fuck yeah im down for
a decent milkshake

great idea!!

11 at the diner across from
the library?

see yall then!

I grin down at my phone and check the time. Being only ten, I had plenty of time to get there. I get dressed for the day and finish up the few extra problems I had not done last night.

I walk downstairs and see my sister and my mother sitting on the couch, eating breakfast.

"Hello!" I greet, mostly directing it towards my mother and not my icky sister.

"Good morning!" My mother says, smiling with that contagious smile of hers. Everyone says I got my smile from her, but I tend to hate the way I smile.

"Where are you going?" My sister asks, looking up from her phone and staring at my outfit.

"Out with my friends." I reply vaguely. She gives me a look, even though it is just for a split second, I can tell it's a look of distaste.

"Ew. Your friends are weird. Especially that awkward one, Sungjin." She says. I roll my eyes.

He's not awkward, he likes you. I say in my head. If I were to mention it out loud, Sungjin would burn me alive.

"Anyways. What are you guys going to do?" She asks. I find it strange she actually wants details.

"We are going to go get milkshakes." I reply. She smiles and hands me a five dollar bill.

"Chocolate please." She says, smiling evilly as she walks back to the couch and sits down.

I knew she didn't care enough to ask just for the sake of being nice to me.

I leave the house and start to walk to the end of my neighborhood. I decide to just walk since going through the trees at the edge of the street leads to the road where we are meeting.

As I duck through the bushes and trees, I feel water on my arm. It's raining!

I always loved the rain. How calming the sound of it is, how relaxing the idea of it is, how it smells after the rain comes. The whole rain thing was always my favorite.

As the rain picks up, the ground starts to get muddy and the lower areas in the ground start to pool with water. I walk faster out of the trees, and completely soak my shoes in the process. I can't believe I forgot to bring a jacket! I usually have one at all times, being the type of person who is always cold no matter what temperature it is.

I finally reach the restaurant and run for cover. I see my friends inside and I join them at the table.

Sungjin is squished all the way to the window on one side of the booth while the two lovebirds take up the rest of the room on that side. I sit next to Jae comfortably and smile at Sungjin and his uncomfortable face. He gives me a sour face which makes me even happier.

"What took you so long?" Wonpil asks, sipping his milkshake.

"You know the shortcut through the wash that leads here?" I ask.

"Uh huh."

"Well it's not really a shortcut when it floods."

"Yikes." Dowoon says, wincing slightly.

"It's so fucking cold in here. I am not thriving man." I say. I really should have grabbed a sweater.

"You want my jacket?" Jae asks, taking it off and holding it in my direction.

"Seriously?" I ask. He nods.

"Yeah sure. I don't need it and you look like you were just taken out of a freezer." He says, pushing the jacket more towards me.

"Omg! We love boyfriends." Wonpil jokes. I can see Jae tense up and I decide to battle the joke with another.

"Oh my ficus! Everyone, this is my Minecraft boyfriend, Jae!" I can tell my joke helped Jae calm down a bit.

"Minecraft Fiancée." Jae corrects jokingly. "Be respectful."

"I'm sorry, please forgive me Minecraft Fiancée!" I fake beg. We all laugh.

The waitress comes around and I place my order of two chocolate milkshakes.

"Two? You need two?" Dowoon asks, sipping his own.

"My strange specimen of a sister forced me to get her one as well. I might be forgetful, paranoid, and take everything like a joke, but I am a good sibling, damn it!" I say. Sungjin snorts and I give him a snippy look.

The five of us share stories from our previous high school years as a way to get to know each other better. I never really had a large friend group, if you could even consider them a large group. I feel like having more friends makes me feel safer and helps keep me in line.

After we finish our milkshakes, we split ways and I sprint my way home, being extra careful to go around. Walking home gives me time to reflect on my experience today and I have to say, it felt good to be honest and confident with a group of people who will listen. We have to do this more often.

high school kinda wack ngl im not thriving rn

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