4 My Life At Home

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After showing Sakura around the hospital and introducing her to their other partners. Sasuke headed home.

As he opened the door to his home, he was greeted by his younger step sister yumei who was 12. When his dad married kuhiro she had two kids a girl who was 12 and a boy who was 8. It was only normal since his dad already had a kid too him.

Within six months of the marriage both kids had already warmed up to him. He was a pediatrician after all so he was used to kids.

"onii-san you're back how was work." yumei asked. "hn the same." Sasuke answered. "is mom home?" he asked. "no she went grocery shopping." yumei answered. "okay what of Yukio?" he's in his room, playing video games. Oh and I have this homework in English that I don't understand, I was wondering if you could help me." yumei asked.
"okay I'll see what I can do. Just give me a few minutes." Sasuke said.

"... So write down. When we say. The woman saw a thousand and one flies in the pot, it's a hyperbole. Meaning over exaggeration. You can't exactly count a thousand and one flies in one pot now can you." Sasuke stated. "no that's not possible." yumei said. "so that's all." Sasuke dropped the pen and was getting up. "wait no, I'm not done yet. I still have an essay of 450 words to write." "okay then what's the topic." Sasuke asked "that's the problem, there is no topic we were asked to write any story as long as it's good." yumei complained.

"fine, I'll tell you one listen so you can write it down later. The name of the story is the fairy princess.

" once upon a time, in the kingdom of fairies the king and Queen had no child, they tried different means but still no child. So they went to see a very old and wise fairy. She told them that they would never have a normal child. In order for them to have a child they have to wish upon a shooting star that fell past the full moon.

The king and Queen sat and watched the moon any time it was full waiting for a shooting star, but non fell. On the seventh night of their waiting, a star fell. It was beautiful, a light pink Star falling across the moon. The Queen wished for a child that she could love as her own no matter how it looked.

The next morning the Queen was pregnant and she gave birth in the next five months. The baby was a girl, but she was different unlike the other fairies she didn't have wings she had a tail.

The Queen was saddened why did her child have to be different. She cried for days while her maids took care of the baby. She grew to hate the princess who had been named Mavis.

Mavis grew more beautiful each day she had blonde hair and blue eyes. She came out to play fairy ball with her age mates one day. Fairy ball was simply a game where the fairies passed a fluffy little ball to each other. It was fun because they could play on the ground and in the air. When Mavis came to play, they purposely took the game higher and higher in the air mocking her lack of wings. Mavis ran into the castle and went to her room and wept.

All the fairies laughed at Mavis and always made fun of her even her own mother the Queen didn't love her. The king always sided with what the Queen said. It kept on happening for a long time the fairies even began to say that she was a bad omen. On a faithful night, Mavis disappeared. No one bothered to search for her not even her parents. They all felt that it was good riddance to bad rubbish.

On the day of the full moon, a light pink star fell across the moon. And surprisingly enough everyone in the kingdom was outside. When the star fell, it visibly fell in front of the castle. Out of the star rose Mavis. Her hair was longer and shinier, she also didn't have a tail.

"I am the princess of stars and all I did was give a test which you all failed miserably. She spoke. Queen you begged for a child I listened and gave you one but how did you treat her, with disdain and hate."

Mavis shone brightly as she levitated in the air. "with the power in me I command that from this day henceforth all fairies in fairy Kingdom shall lose their wings and be replaced by a tail." her voice echoed throughout fairy Kingdom.

All the fairies wings began to glow and with a puff sound they disappeared and left a tail. With the deed done, Mavis disappeared.

The king and Queen were left childless once more and all the fairies lost their beautiful wings and now had tails. All because of their mistreat and discrimination of princess Mavis.
They learnt a grave lesson and changed for the better. "

" wow that was a great story I'll definitely get good marks if I wrote that. " yumei had barely finished talking when the door opened." yumei you had better not be playing. " kuhiro yelled from the door. " I'm not playing ma, I'm doing homework. " " then go do it in your room.

Sasuke saw that yumei was reluctant to move so he whispered to her. "go we'll finish later." yumei got up grumpily and walked to her room. Sasuke also left for his room. He knew that kuhiro didn't like him, so he played it cool not wanting to be the bad guy.

And so guys the chapter ended.
The story in it is completely mine, but I got the idea from fairy tail. The part where Mavis came up with the name fairy tail for the guild. Her words were do fairies have tails. And when I remembered this the story initially came to me. And the fairy princess was named after Mavis.

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