15 Sakura's House 🌸🌸

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"Sasuke come out of the bathroom!!!!."

"No I need my beauty bath!!"

"seriously you're in my house and there's no such thing as beauty bath, it's beauty sleep and why do you take so long in the bathroom, your a guy."

30 minutes later

"finally you're out. "

Sasuke was wearing his black trousers and gray t-shirt and had a towel which he was using to dry his hair.

" Sasuke you did not use my shampoo!!! "

" I may have used a little, come on what did you expect me to wash my hair with. And for a girl, you don't even have any bathroom products, I have way more than you do. "

" I give you hospitality in my home and you're gonna complain that I don't have enough bathroom products. Huh Uchiha!! "

" well its a fact "

" shut up. " Sakura threw a pillow at his face and ran into the bathroom.

While Sakura was bathing Sasuke took it upon himself to go through sakura's fridge. He was displeased with what he found. The entire fridge was full of junk food, sandwiches, pizza, burgers. But then he found half a crate of eggs. At least something that can be cooked. But there wasn't a single vegetable.

He went through some cupboards and found some other cooking stuff, he also found some remnants of the fugitive rice responsible for children's illness. "how is this girl still alive with all the junk she eats." Sasuke closed the cupboard back after taking some stuff he would need to fry the eggs, he found some bread too so that could do for dinner.

Sasuke was in the middle of cracking the eggs when he heard Sakura calling him.

"I'm in the kitchen."

"Heh what are you doing in my kitchen, how did you even find it?" Sakura asked as she walked into the kitchen dressed in her pj's.

"what am I doing in your kitchen, I'm trying to prepare a healthy meal that will not shorten our lives. And how did I find your kitchen. Simple I looked around and found it.

Now time for my questions." Sasuke said changing his tone to very serious.

Sakura shook at how scary his voice became. "what did he find what does he want to ask about, could it be he found my secret stash of yaoi Manga no no no. He can't have found it, I had it in my room."


Ahh!!! Sakura almost jumped out of her own skin.

"Sakura, why isn't there a single vegetable in this house?"

"wait what." vegetables, he's asking about vegetables, that means he didn't find my Manga. Phew.

"Sakura do you know that eating junk food all the time can be bad to your health. And you call yourself a doctor, yet you don't eat healthy, vegetables are necessary in every meal, vegetables..................."

"blah blah blah blah blah".
"I heard you mom just don't burn my kitchen, the last time I burnt it myself but I won't go easy on you. "

" Are you questioning my cooking skills. "

" I don't know. " Sakura took a burger from the fridge and walked out the kitchen. She could swear she heard Sasuke muttering something about her dying from heart attack.

20 minutes later

Sasuke came into the sitting room with two plates of fried egg and bread at the side. And set them on the table. "dinner is served" Sasuke said sounding like a professional chef.

Sakura eyed the food warily, those eggs were still in the fridge because every time she tried to make some it always ended up too salty or too spicy sometimes too salty and too spicy, other times it was just burnt.

She finally took a slice of the egg and put it in her mouth, and then chewed.



Sasuke had a smirk plastered on his face.

"so Sasuke, where did you learn to cook like this, some cooking course?"

"I learnt from aunt Shizuka, the best cook I know."

"wow I didn't think you'll be able to make something this good with the stuff I have in that kitchen."

"yeah its high time you went shopping, don't worry I'll go with you tomorrow morning to get the stuff you'll need for a healthy diet."



"you'll make a good wife"


"nothing "😏

When they were done eating Sakura packed the dishes to wash them since Sasuke cooked.

She came back from the kitchen to find Sasuke taking some drugs.

" do you really have to take those every day? Sakura asked

"yup I have to or there be hell to pay."

Sakura shivered remembering that horrid day with Sasuke gasping for breath and eventually passing out on her. She shook it off and decided to change the topic.

"So why didn't you go home today, won't your dad be worried?"

"if he returned from his trip today, that means my step mom is home and I just don't wanna deal with her today. And dad probably won't realize I'm not home, that woman clouds his brains and thoughts. If we lived in some fantasy world I would say that she gave him love potion.

But I do miss Yumei and Yukio though, I haven't seen them in so long, it's almost weird that such a terrible lady could have such nice children. "

" Oh your stepmom has kids. "

" yes, and would you like to visit sometime? "

" yeah, I wanna see your kitchen and your bathroom and your room. "

" you won't be disappointed. 😉 now we need to get some shut eye, it's 10:25 pm. "

" ok so where are you sleeping, couch or floor, if you pick floor, I have another mattress and a spare pillow but if you pick couch I can only offer you a blanket.

And DON'T even think about guilt tripping me again. "

" Fine I'll take the mattress. Meanie 😛.

"Sasuke stop being such a child."


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