18 Disaster

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Sasuke got home all tired he wanted nothing more than a bath and dinner. After a quick wash he went to the kitchen to cook up something. He couldn't stop thinking about the cure, they'd finally done it and he'll be able to make Enju better again.

Yumei had been spying on her mom, she knew that she was up to something, something that wasn't good. She'd recognised the key that was with her earlier as one of the hospital keys. Why would her mom have one it's not like she worked there.

She was currently outside the hospital, she followed her mom there via taxi. It was about 9:14pm now. What would she want at the hospital this time?

Yumei followed her mother discretely. She was going to the lab, she knew Sasuke worked in there, he told her about the research he was doing.

Kuhiro brought out the key she had taken and opened the lab. Yumei made sure to stay out of sight as her mother entered the lab. She seemed to be searching for something. Then yumei saw her bring out a test tube rack that had lots of test tubes filled with pale blue liquid. Yumei's heart began to pound in her chest, her mother was about to do something horrible!!.


Sasuke had the best sleep he'd had in months and few minutes later he realised that he'd overslept. It was currently 10:00am and he was supposed to be at the hospital by 9:00am. Shizuka was going to scold the living day light out of him. He quickly showered and started getting dressed ignoring breakfast.

Sasuke took his keys and started his car. Weird enough Yumei wasn't even at home neither was Yukio or their mom. Perhaps they were at a hotel or something but he felt slightly worried. He kept driving while thinking of excuses to give Shizuka. He burnt breakfast? No he didn't even have breakfast. The car had a fault? He could have taken transport. There was heavy traffic on the way? Yes, the perfect excuse much better than the truth. Just then his phone started ringing it was Yumei.

At the hospital Sakura, Miku, Kimi, Shizuka, Fugaku and some other doctors were waiting for Sasuke to arrive so that they could administer the drug. He was the one who discovered it after all so he at least needed to be there but why was he so late.

Sasuke picked up Yumei's call.

Hello onni-san, are you at the hospital?

I'm on my way there is anything the problem?

There's a drug in the lab, I think it was blue, don't give it to anyone, mom poisoned it, if anyone takes it they'll die.

Yumei, where are you, are you safe?

Don't worry about me, I can escape just make sure no one takes that drug.

The phone cut off and another car was moving incredibly fast towards Sasuke before he could even start the car there was a collision.

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