8 Consequences Pt 2

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Shizuka watched her Nephew's chest rise and fall slowly, she shifted his bangs from his face again. How much his face reminded her of her sister, his mother. Sasuke shared a very strong resemblance to his mother, had he been a female he would have been a splitting image of her. He got his dark hair, eyes and pale skin from her. Seeing the boy suffer so much gave her pain. She looked at his right wrist spotting the IV cord attached to it from which blood flowed into his body. This particular crisis was so much more severe than the others, he never underwent such pain. An image of his jerking body flashed through her mind. She checked the bed to see he was still sleeping calmly. The problem now was for how long will he sleep.

She promised her sister that she would take care of her son, she had been doing a good job but ever since the woman named kuhiro came into their simple lives everything turned upside down. Fugaku hardly cared about his own blood son. The woman silently made sasuke's life miserable. One time she had talked to kuhiro about her behavior towards Sasuke, but the next day Fugaku actually had the guts to yell at her to stop meddling in his family affairs. Shizuka smiled remembering how she had reacted to Fugaku's words that day, she told him not to forget that Sasuke is her late sister's child and that Sasuke is the only child he has that shares his blood. She also remembered telling him never to yell at his sister in law again.

She had actually spent the night at sasuke's hospital room hoping that he would wake up. The others wanted to stay as well especially Sakura who proved to be stubborn blatantly stating that she wasn't leaving till he woke up. She had to use the Janitor threat on the poor girl again, although she could see that they were genuinely worried for her nephew who was like a son to her she didn't want them missing the fact that they were doctors who had jobs to fulfill, unlike her she was their superior and it was her job to see to the well-being of the doctors under her. And it was her duty as sasuke's mother figure since his father was once again absent, he probably didn't even know what condition his son was in. Oh he was going to get an earful of yelling from Shizuka when he got his director a** to the hospital. She kissed Sasuke on his forehead before leaving the room locking the door silently behind her giving him one more glance through the glass before walking away.

The hospital took on it's normal duties everywhere being as busy as before, doctors moving here and there attending to patients. Shizuka went to the lab to get the results of sasuke's blood test.

"good morning ma'am." the head of the lab Anthony greeted as Shizuka entered the lab. Anthony had lived in Japan for a few years and had already developed a strong Japanese accent.
Shizuka nodded her reply. "I presume that you're here for the results of yesterday's test." "that's exactly what I came for can I see them." Anthony handed Shizuka some papers containing the results she was in need of. "but ma'am, Anthony started before you start reading the results you should know that everything is just the same as it always has been, but however. Shizuka listened keenly to what the man was going to say. " however what. " Shizuka asked. "you see the man continued there's a foreign substance in his blood and that is what I think led to the coagulation. I believe you already know that the cause of the pain or crisis is when the sickled blood cells clog together and have problems passing through the blood vessels and when they forcefully pass it starts to cause pain. This time I believe that instead of just the sickled blood cells, all the cells were clogging doubling the pain and made his blood thick and the prime suspect is the foreign substance in his blood. " Anthony explained.

" were you able to find out just what the substance is? " Shizuka asked. " we're still working on it ma'am. " Anthony replied. " he still hasn't woken up, and I'm worried about how he came in contact with the substance. He is always cautious with chemicals. " Shizuka sighed frustrated.

" even though we don't know the nature of the substance, but I can assure you ma'am that this definitely wasn't through some experiments. It was ingested so I suspect that it's a drug of sorts. " said Anthony.

Shizuka walked away from the lab thinking what drug Sasuke could possibly have taken. But till Sasuke wakes up it will remain a mystery.

As she stepped into her office she was met with the familiar faces of the doctors who were supposed to be at the pediatric ward. She placed a Palm on her forehead and sighed. What a long day this was.

"he's stable but hasn't woken up, the lab are running tests to find out whatever caused it." Shizuka answered before they could start asking.

"but sensei will he be alright?" asked Sakura. "I hope he will." Shizuka answered. She chose to keep her findings from the laboratory to herself for the mean time.

"Sir you can't see Doctor Shizuka without first planning an appointment." the receptionist said. "but it's urgent I've got to talk to her." the man said. "but you have to wait." the receptionist continued. "okay if I can't talk Doctor shizuka, let me talk to Doctor Uchiha."
"sir doctor Uchiha is not available."

"what do you mean he's not available?"

"he's - -

" forget it. " the man brought out his phone and dialed a number.

" hello, shizuka-san it's Naruto I really need to speak to you urgently, but the receptionist doesn't wanna let me in without some appointment. "

"Naruto getting an appointment is the normal drill but since you said it's urgent, give your phone to the receptionist I'll talk to her.

"okay, I'll give it to her now."

Naruto hands the phone over to the receptionist. After a brief talk she hands him back his phone and gives him the directions to shizuka's office. Naruto wastes no time in hurrying there.

"so what's this urgent thing you wanted to say Naruto, if this is one of your pranks I'm gonna hit you so hard your brain will fall out."

"shizuka-san this is no prank you have to tell Sasuke to stop taking his drugs until they're all examined. "

"Naruto what do you mean?"

"yesterday i was free so i decided why not have a little fun, so i climbed up sasuke's window with the intention to paint on it but i heard the door open. I knew that Sasuke isn't usually home at this time, so i hid myself and spied.

After gulping loudly Naruto continued. "I know that this is very disturbing so I decided you'll be the first person I tell cos I know you'll believe me." Naruto took a deep breath and began giving information. "the person who entered his room was none other than that kuhiro. I hid myself by the wall and peeped through the window, luckily she didn't notice me. Shizuka-san, that woman switched one of sasuke's drugs. She had a transparent bag that was full of tablets and one empty one she put sasuke's drugs into the empty one and put the contents of the other bag into the cup. I couldn't see the name of the drug she was switching but I can identify the cup if I see it."

Shizuka stopped listening to Naruto when he said kuhiro switched sasuke's drugs. She suddenly started having flashbacks.

"it wasn't through some experiments it was ingested like a drug of sorts. A drug of sorts, drug of sorts, drug, drug, drug, drug,drug. Sasuke should stop taking his drugs till they're examined, drug drug drug she switched sasuke's drugs."


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