20 The past

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   "That witch isn't my mother"

A/N there are strong/dark themes in this chapter.

     Kuhiro was in her car she was driving to the hospital, she had a gun beside her. Her plans were near fulfilment. Just a little more and she'll add another dead husband to her list. Sasuke had been a thorn on her flesh ruining all her plans. But she should have known what she got herself into when she married a man with a grown up kid. That's why she even needed Yumei and Yukio she'll be able to fool him better if he thought she was a single parent as well and now to reap the fruits of her hard work..

    8 years ago. Kuhiro was happily married to the love of her life nothing could go wrong. Right?

   But on their honeymoon she found herself being sold to a brothel by non other than her husband. The greedy and conniving bastard sold her off for money. She spent a whole year selling her body to different men. She had tried to commit suicide several times but someone always caught her. She would be beaten , sometimes starved, forced to work overtime with different men who used her body carelessly. In that one year Kuhiro was no longer the woman she once was she suffered from the trauma of being sold, being deceived by the one she loved and worse of all being used as a Prostitute!!!

   Kuhiro knew that suicide wouldn't work for her because of her many failed attempts. Escaping also wasn't a choice. The last girl that tried to escape was raped to death. Kuhiro let the hate in her amass she numbed her mind and body to the torture. And allowed hatred take over.

  On a faithful night a fairly drunk man came in he had his eyes on kuhiro. And he asked if he could buy her for the night. The man must have been filthy rich. So she played her game properly and the man took her home. As she thought he was rich. He lived in a huge mansion. He led her inside and showed her to his room. Kuhiro asked for wine. Skillfully she got him even more drunk than he already was.

    When he fell asleep kuhiro looked at him with disdain. She slit his throat effortlessly with a kitchen knife. And she looked at her blood soaked hands and smiled. One down many more to go.

   Kuhiro made away with all the valuables and money in the house. She was finally free!!
   She went far away from there and when she settled she started searching for her husband. Finding him wasn't hard she paid him a visit in his home and left with bloodied hands she had slit his throat just like she did to the other man.

   Within the past 8 years Kuhiro had married and killed a total of 7 men. She became wanted by the police so she started changing location.

    Trauma, pain and torture had driven kuhiro crazy she held on to her revenge and hatred. All men must suffer for what she went through. All men must die. And Fugaku Uchiha was next on her list. Anything or anyone who gets in her way will have to cease to exist.

    A gunshot signalled Kuhiro's arrival at the hospital.

Trouble has arrived....

Ok guys what do you think of Kuhiro now that her past has been revealed. More juicy chapters coming up👍

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