19 Last Minute

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It was dark, cold. Where was water coming from. He felt like he was under water but he wasn't drowning.

The water got colder, it was soothing. He heard a voice. It was soft, and sweet. It was calling him softly. He wanted to get closer to that sweet voice. But then the water froze. He was stuck he couldn't get to the voice.
But wait the voice was coming closer, it was bringing it's warmth it was melting the ice.

"Sasuke, my darling."


"Yes dear I'm here, but you shouldn't be here, not yet. Wake up my darling. Only you can save those children. Wake up"

She kissed his forehead and then the entire water presence began to disappear. He woke up, a sharp pain on his forehead, shoulder, and torso. He was injured and bleeding in those parts. His phone was crushed. So he couldn't make any calls. He ignored the pain and with a boost of adrenaline he got out of the crumpled car and started walking towards the hospital.

People gave him weird looks because of how bloodied he was looking. Sasuke ignored them, he kept walking as fast as he could he needed to make it to the hospital, he was worried about yumei too, she could be in danger. And Kuhiro that witch she'll go this far, she'll take innocent lives. Kuhiro was the devil itself.


They couldn't keep waiting for Sasuke, so Shizuka ordered that they begin administering the drugs. Sakura as the assistant to the head pediatrician started the process. She took a syringe filled it with antidote and went to the first child. Suddenly the door flung open.


Sakura dropped the syringe out of shock and it broke. "Sasuke-kun" She wasn't the only one who was shocked. Sasuke's clothes were soaked in blood. It was surprising that with his condition he could still move after losing so much blood.

"Check the antidotes again, someone poisoned it. Yumei is in danger." That was the last thing Sasuke said before passing out cold.

"Quick get a stretcher." Shizuka yelled.

"What does he mean Yumei is in danger and the antidote is poisoned." Fugaku asked.

"This isn't the time for questions, he'll explain better when he's conscious. Fugaku come with me good thing you're here, your blood is needed." Shizuka said as she followed the stretcher into the emergency room.

Sakura just couldn't believe what she just saw. Sasuke in such a terrible condition. She didn't know how she felt. Seeing Sasuke like that it hurt her, she squeezed her fist so tight that it drew blood.

Kimi and Miku ran tests on the antidote only to find out that Sasuke was right, it was filled with poison.

" Sakura-san if we had given this to the kids all of them would have died." Kimi said.

"What kind of a monster did this, and how'd they get into the lab. I suspect this has got something to do with Sasuke's current condition. Whoever did it tried to kill him because he knew the antidote was poisoned." Miku said.

Sakura's phone rang, it was from the reception. A girl was asking to see Sasuke.

"Kimi, Miku, there's someone downstairs looking for Sasuke, she might be Yumei, she should know something about this." Sakura told the others.

They hurried to get downstairs, they were met by a young girl looking dirty and had some parts of her clothes torn.

"You were with those kids from that school that came to visit." Sakura said recognising her.

"Are you Yumei?" Kimi asked.

"Sasuke-nisan is he okay, were not safe here. She'll come here soon, call the police." Yumei said.

"Who is 'she' what's going on." Sakura asked.

"You're Sakura-san, Sasuke-nisan says I can trust you, I barely escaped, Kuhiro is coming after me, this hospital won't be safe. She'll stop at nothing to get what she wants. We need all the help we can get." Yumei said.

"Did you just say Kuhiro? She's the one that poisoned the antidote." Sakura asked.

"Yes she's a bloody wolf in sheep's clothing and she's mentally unstable that crazy woman, she could kill us just to get to Fugaku-san. She sees him as a target and won't stop till she drains all his money that's why she's been trying to get rid of Sasuke-nisan he's an obstacle to her." Yumei explained.

"Kimi call the cops." Miku said this is very serious, if all Yumei said is true our lives could be in danger look what happened to Sasuke."

"But Yumei-chan isn't Kuhiro your mother? Sakura asked

"That witch isn't my mother."

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