Chapter 9

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Sophie's POV

I'm in a dark room, strange. I don't recognize where I am. I'm just sitting on the cold floor in a dark room. It's about the size of a small square walk in closet. 

I look around and listen carefully. I can hear some strange laughing, as if someone eas also in the room with me. It's like I could just touch them in front of my face.

I reached my hand out, nothing.

Then I looked behind me and I saw Phil.

"Phil? Haha, what're you doing?" I ask in a jokingly way as I quickly hug him, but he avoided it.

"Shut up Sophie, I don't want any of this," Phil says in a very angry tone.

My heart shatters into pieces. "Wh-what? Phil...we're boyfriend and gi-" I begin to say as Phil cuts me off.

"Sophie, I don't even like you, I was faking all of this to get to you, stupid fuck," Phil says as he slaps me hard on the face and leaves the room. I began to cry, but then I noticed I was getting shaken.

Then I was getting shaken harder.

I heard a faint voice...

"Sophie, Sophie! SOPHIE!" 

...then I wake up.

I'm in my bed and Phil is breathing heavily as if I was dying or something. He jumps onto my bed and hugs me tighter than ever.

"Phil...what exactly happened?" I say as I noticed I had tear stained eyes.

"You were...well...kind of talking and crying in your sleep. I couldn't understand what you were talking about, since all I was worried about was you crying. I was trying to wake you up but you wouldn't wake up. I got really worried, and sad," Phil said as I noticed he also had tear stained eyes.

"Phil, were you crying?" I asked as I leaned in.

Phil just looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes and he just simply nodded. I hug him again tightly and he hugs back. We sit in my bed like this for about roughly 5 minutes, then Phil breaks it.

"So, should we go to your surprise?" Phil asks with a happy smile on his face.

"Yes, please," I said as I got up, Phil following.

We made it downstairs and I forgot Phil got me a present. He got the flowers and put them in a pretty vase that I forgot I owned. He still had his glasses on, which looked insanely adorable on him, not to mention still amazingly attractive.

He handed over the huge bag and I just smiled a really big smile, bigger than ever to be honest. I was really happy when I was with Phil. Happier than ever.

I first put my hand inside to see if there was a card, and there indeed was.

I took the card and on the front of the envelope it said "To Sophie Collins♥". I smiled at the heart, I thought it was sweet but simple.

The card had a picture of a Pikachu on it and on the inside said "Gotta catch them all!" and had 18 Pokeballs, for me being 18. Phil added at the bottom "I've already caught you♥". I got up and hugged Phil really tightly and pecked his lips, then sat back down. I then opened my present.

I first got a pack of Sharpies, then on the back he wrote "We'll definitely need these for intense cat whiskers". I laughed a little then carried on digging through the bag. I got a necklace that had my name written out in cursive, then a little Nyan Cat hanging from it. I awwed at it and Phil put it on my neck. Then I got another present that was a Jake the Dog hoodie. I flipped out and jumped and hugged Phil. I always wanted a Jake hoodie, but none of my friends ever cared to get me one. Phil smiled.

"Dan got me the same hoodie for my birthday last year, and I loved it as much as you love it," Phil said as he sat back down on the couch. "There are only a couple things left."

I sat back down on the couch and grabbed the last things in the bag. It indeed was a couple of shirts from his merch store he shared with Dan, and one he has on District Lines. The one he had on District Lines was a purple shirt with a lion on it, then the other one was him and Dan and on the top it says "AmazingPhil" and on the bottom it said "danisnotonfire". Phil already told me about their YouTube channels before we made the photobooth challenge video, but I didn't know they were this huge to have a merch store!

"I FREAKING LOVE THIS THANK YOU SO MUCH PHIL!" I said as I literally jumped into Phil's lap and hugged him. He laughed and kind of made a sound of pain, but not like he was in terrible pain, just like me jumping on him for a second pain, if you get my drift. 

"You're welcome!" Phil said as he smiled and then pushed his glasses up. I smiled and kissed him. We were about to get into it, but Phil noticed the time. "Oh, we have to go!"

I looked at the clock noticing it was 12:30 pm. 

"Woah, let's go!" I said as I got on my green Converse then walked out of the door with my hand in Phil's hand.

"Okay, so I'll just spoil what we're going to do now. We're going to go to Starbucks right now and then after we will take a walk around the city, then we'll go to this really pretty park and have a picnic," Phil said as we walked down the road. "Um, which pavement do we go down to go to Starbucks?" Phil asked nervously.

"Oh Phil, we have to walk to the right, then straight ahead to the left should be Starbucks," I said as I kind of dragged Phil over to Starbucks. We entered and we were greeted by the worker at Starbucks.

"Hello, how may I help you?" she said in a nice tone.

"Oh, I'd like a caramel macchiato," Phil said with a friendly smile.

"And I'd like a mocha cookie crumble frappuccino, please," I said in a sweet tone.

"Okay, coming right up!" she said. Phil paid for everything and I walked over to the end of the counter to get our drinks. Then we got a table towards the window and near the end of the shop.

"So, you like your presents?" Phil asked in a happy tone.

"Yes, I loved them!" I said happily. "Thank you so freaking much, Phil!" 

"Haha, you're welcome Soph," he said as he took his phone out of his pocket.

"OMG OMG TAKING A SELFIE LET ME JOIN IN!" I shouted at Phil. Since we were in like the corner of the store, no one could really hear us, and this wasn't one of the really echoey Starbucks', so we were lucky. 

Phil laughed and then we took an adorable selfie. It was simple, just the two of us smiling. We looked really happy though, so the smiles didn't look fake.

Phil put in a caption: Happy birthday to the best girlfriend ever! :D <3

I blushed at the caption then kissed his cheek. We stayed in Starbucks for about 30 more minutes just talking away about Internet, school, how Dan needs to get a better social life, and tons more.

Then Phil got up. "I think we should go now."

I nodded and threw my empty cup away, and Phil did the same. Then we began walking down the road again, hand in hand.

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