Chapter 14

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Sophie's POV

Phil and I were walking down this empty street. He held my hand in his calmly as we enjoyed the comfortable sounds of the wind blowing on the trees. I looked over at Phil and smiled. He then looked back at me and smiled, but when he looked back he ran into a pole, causing him to fall to the ground and bringing me down with him.

"Phil, you klutz!" I said as I noticed I was laying on top of him.

"Hehe, that's my middle name. Philip Klutz Lester, let's forget my middle name was ever Michael," Phil said as he blushed slightly.

I just laughed slightly and pecked his lips lightly and got up. Phil got a big smile on his face as he got up and extended his hand, asking me to hold it. I accepted and we held hands while we inched closer to the school. 

I then hear a sound. Phil can sense my fear and he squeezes my hand. Then I see fear in his eyes, so I began to get closer. Then we hear a shout come from behind of us. Phil and I literally jump a foot in the air and turn around whilst screaming. I didn't notice who this person was, but they scared us good. 

"Haha, sorry! I thought you were someone else!" the guy said as he started laughing loudly. Phil and I started laughing along, since he actually did scare us pretty good. "Oh, right, what's your names?"

"Oh, I'm Philip Lester, but please, call me Phil," Phil said while smiling.

"And I'm Sophie Collins, and...yeah," I said while laughing. Phil shoved my arm, kind of signaling me to stop being so shy.

"Oh, I'm Tyler Oakley!" he said in a happy voice. He had light sea foam green hair sticking up kind of like a quiff, a black and white striped shirt under his maroon red hoodie, a pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of red Vans, and a pair of black "hipster" glasses. 

"Nice to meet you, Tyler!" I said as I showed Phil I'm not always shy. He just rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Well, where are you two love birds off to?" Tyler asked in a curious voice.

"School, ugh," Phil said as he groaned as he put his head on my shoulder.

"Oh my god, saaaame!" Tyler said as we all began walking. "Do you guys go to the school down the road?"

"Yeah, actually!" Phil said in a bright and happy tone.

"Oh, cool! And you're British, I'm guessing?" Tyler said kind of excitedly. 

"Yep, let me complain about this horrible weather now," Phil said whilst laughing. I joined in and so did Tyler.

"Haha, I love this!" Tyler said as he clapped to Phil's joke.

"Well thank you, I try," Phil said with a slight giggle. 

"Oh hey look, we're here!" I said as I pointed to the school.

"Yay!" Tyler said as he ran towards the school. Wow, enthusiastic?

"Sophie, Phil!" I heard a voice come from the left of me. I saw Dan at the enterance of the school.

"Dan!" I said as I ran over to him and hugged him. He smiled and hugged back.

"Lol, we weren't away from each other that long," Dan said as he continued to hug me.

"I know," I said as I broke away and went back to Phil.

"Okay, so what did you guys do last night?" Dan asked as he wiggled his eye brows.

"Oh, well we watched High School Musical," I said as Phil wrapped his arm around me.

"And we kind of couldn't sleep at times," Phil said trying to hide his slight sadness. Dan fell for it and thought he was fine.

"Phil kept on stealing my bed covers!" I said as I lightly slapped Phil.

Dan looked at us wide eyed and Phil just squished me with his one arm around me. I just giggled and took my phone out, allowing Phil to see what I was doing.

I then saw Phil take out his phone. I didn't bother looking. I then got a text from him.

Wanna come by after school and scare Dan with me?

-Phantastically Phabulous Philip

I died laughing because of Phil's name. He noticed that I was laughing because of the name and just laughed with me. I then responded.

Yes, of course! Btw, thanks for changing your name in my phone.


Phil just looked at me with an adorable smile and texted me back.

No problem, love! Thought you'd like it. Anyways, if you can spend the night tonight for the prank that'd be great.

-Phantastically Phabulous Philip

I smiled back at Phil after getting the text, then I texted him back.

Okay, I would've spent the night anyways, Phil. cx Explain the prank after school!


Phil got my text then nodded at me. Then the doors opened and everyone ran inside. Normally, we'd just be able to walk inside at any time, but since there are new people here they decided just for a couple of days that we should keep everyone outside.

Phil walked with me to my locker. We decided that we should walk to each class together since we have all of the same classes together. I dropped everything off and got all of my things for my first 3 hours.

"Hey Sophie, hey Phil!" Jon said as he walked up to his locker.

"Hey, Jon!" Phil said with a positive tone.

"Hi Jon!" I said as I waved slightly. "I gotta go to my first hour, but see you in my next," I said as I walked off.

"Alright, bye!" Jon said in a friendly tone.

"Okay, let's get everything from my locker now," Phil said as we walked up a short flight of stairs and went to his locker.

Phil opened his locker and put his backpack in. He then grabbed out a couple of things: a picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar, a couple pictures of the two of us, and a couple of lions. He put magnets on these so they wouldn't fall over, and I awwed at the pic of us. Today was going to be good, I can feel it.

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