Chapter 1

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Sophie's POV

Uuugh, mornings suck.

I know right when I hear my annoying dubstep alarm, nothing will turn out good. NOTHING.

And worst of all, today is the day new people come to my school. Whoopdedoo.

Like every single one of my friends moved away, like what the heck?! I mean yeah, Michigan is a pretty cool state, New Jersey has the boardwalk and everything, and Florida is beautiful, but who wants to leave California?

Apparently them.

I fall out of bed (literally) and then I crawl over to my dresser. I really have nothing much to show off from this summer, well...clothes that is. I spent a lot of my summer with my friends before they left.

I finally decided I would wear a shirt my best friend, Marie, gave to me before she left. It's a tank top with a galaxy print and there is a huge kitten face in the middle of it. Aaand since we can't wear just tank tops to school, I put a black cardigan over it. Then I grabbed a pair of mint green high waisted shorts that were just the right length for school and put them on. Then I brushed my long blonde hair and bobby pinned my hair to the left.

I had all of my things ready the day before, so I just decided to eat breakfast. My parents were out of town for important meetings so I had to walk. Great.

After just grabbing a poptart, I felt the urge not to eat because of my nervous meter was just about at 10, which is the highest number on my imaginary nervous meter.

I set the poptart aside and went straight to the back door. I was pretty much settled for a fresh, new start. I slipped on my light purple Vans and walked out the door.

As I began to walk, I saw a person in the distance. This wasn't like some pesron I recognized from school last year, but I recognized them from somewhere else. I don't really remember though.

I got closer to the person that was silently waiting for something, God knows what.

"Um...hey," I said as I got up to the person, realizing it was a guy.

"Oh, hey!" he said as he turned around. He had short brown hair that he had kind of quiffed to the right, he had deep blue eyes, he was pretty tall, skinny, and had stubble. I swear I noticed him somewhere.

"Soo, uhh, what're you doing in this part of town?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, I'm just going to my new school, since my old one got closed down," he said while showing me he backpack, proving he was going to school.

"Oh, well that sucks," I said frowning slightly.

"Ah, that school fucking sucked anyways," he said laughing to himself, causing me to slightly giggle.

"So wait, why are you waiting here, exactly?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm waiting for someone, really. I don't know anyone at this school to be honest," he said sadly.

"Oh, you can walk to school with me, it's only 5 blocks that way!" I said pointing to my right.

"Oh, okay, let's go then!" he said happily.

We started walking to the school silently, but then he broke the silence.

"You know, I never got to know your name," he said with a curious look on his face.

"Right, it's Sophie Collins," I said smiling. "What about you?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm Shane Dawson," he said as we passed a street leading to the school.

"Nice, you know what classes you're gonna have?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Sadly, no, I never got to really check," Shane said while looking at the ground.

"Well you get to get your schedule today, maybe I can help you around the school," I said as we approached the school.

"Yeah, that'd be great!" Shane said happily.

"Alright, follow me!" I said as we entered the school.

I felt like I was with my old friends instantly. I didn't feel like they left. Shane was everything they ever were, but possibly even better. Now I'm wondering who else they have in store at my school this year.

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