Chapter 56

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Soraru jolted forward as he clenched his head, tears formed in his eyes as he tried to calm down the raging pain in his head. Mafu was worried for the raven-haired and quickly went by his side.

"A-Are you okay Soraru?" Mafu asked as the raven-haired simply nodded his head.

He looked up to see that they were by the gates, Sakata was happily talking to the green eyed brunette, who blinked his eyes to process his surroundings. Urata turned to look at the raven-haired in confusion.

Both of them noticed that the sun was shining bright, Urata took out his phone to see the time say 6:30 am.

"It's the morning."

"Yeah." Soraru replied, he was confused at how they went that far back.

"Doesn't it usually send us just a few minutes before the death?" Urata asked the raven-haired, who slowly nodded his head.

"This is kinda weird."

"Well let's just get these two days over so we can enjoy our summer vacation." Sakata cheerfully said as he dragged Urata with him.

The green eyed brunette just stared at the redhead, it was the same exact thing that he said in the previous reset.

They entered the school, only this time instead of being greeted by glares, the students were minding their own business and talking with one another.

Urata was relieved that nobody seemed to hate him now, but that just made him slightly uneasy at how everything somehow changed. He glanced at the smiling redhead that was walking in front of him. He hugged Sakata, who blushed at the sudden action, not really caring about his pride at the moment.

"E-Eh? U-Urata?"

"I'm just tired so let me do this for once." Urata said as he sighed in relief. At least he doesn't remember the previous reset. The green eyed brunette didn't want to see the redhead cry again, no one would like to see someone innocent as him cry.

They got to class, Urata sat down and saw no one giving him malice looks. But how? He was grateful of not having a false rumor about him spread around, but the fact that it just suddenly doesn't happen concerned him.

I wonder what's going on with Kashitaro? The moment the thought occurred in his mind Urata widened his eyes in realization. He doesn't seem to different either.

The guys always got their tattoo a few minutes after a reset and they'd react to the tattoo burning them. But Kashitaro didn't seem to look like he was in any pain at all.

Class went on by, and just like in the previous reset, there were a few minutes left to spare until lunch. The teacher had asked Sakata to deliver something to the faculty room and told Sorato to go with him.

Urata watched the two leave and noticed that the short raven-haired glance back at him before heading out of the class.

The green eyed brunette rose his eyebrow in confusion before brushing it off. He glanced to the side to see the girl, who had showed him the picture, was talking to her friends.

Urata shook his head to take his mind off of it, that doesn't happen anymore so I shouldn't think about it. The short brunette decided to talk to Shima as they wait for the other two males to come back.

The lunch bell rang and the guys left the classroom to head towards the roof. Sorato said that he wanted something from the cafeteria and left to get it.

Wait, but in the last reset he said he didn't have any money... Urata thought as he watched the short raven-haired walk away. Unless he just lied to get Sakata to leave so he can ask us about the picture. The green eyed brunette just sighed as he walked with the other two to the roof.

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