Chapter 11 : Free Day/ Trey

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Nicki POV


"That's my name, don't wear it out!"

I chuckle.

"Do y'all really have to shout, y'all like right infront of each other!" I ask looking up from my newpaper I was reading.

"Apparently! Yes! She act like she can't hear! I've been calling her for like the pass 5 fucking minutes!" D says.

"If you see I didn't answer the first 50 fucking times you called me then that meant I ain't wanna TALK!" Vanessa says rolling here eyes and turning back to do her word search.

"Hey! dont be getting slick! and roll yo eyes at me again and I will make sure you don't have nothing to roll again!" D says getting a bit upset.

"Whateva!" Vanessa says plainly, not paying any attention to D.

D groans and gets up and walks away.

I shake my head and smile.

"Nicki nicki!" Cookie calls as she comes rushing through the front door and up to me.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Look!" She says holding up a bloodly heart.

"Yes! GOOD JOB!!" I cheer as I give her a high five.

See I sent cookie to go out and try to kill my next door neighbor son. Why?. Because for the pass 4 days he has been playing his damn music so fucking loud and that shit gets hella annoying. So I sent cookie to go kill him and if she did then I would reward her with whatever she wanted.

"So what do you want?" I ask.

She stood there thinking for a minute while tapping her finger against her chin and tapping her feet, I giggle at her action cause she look like she was in deep thought and that where she wanted was that serious.

"Can we go swimming? I've never been to a pool before!" She ask.

"Of course, when do you want to go?" I ask.

"Could we go a little later today?" She ask looking adorable as shit.

"Sure" I say.

"Yaaaayyyy!" She cheer she jumps up and down then runs off.


"Shit!" I say as I slam my newspaper down and get up.

I go upstairs and D is in my room looking dead at me.

"What the hell do you want D!?" I ask upset cause I wanna to just relax today and be left alone unless it had something to do with cookie.

"Where the fuck is the gun!? And why the hell I see my sister running around with a bloody heart in her hands!?" She ask looking upset. I sigh and tell her.

"Really nicki?" She ask.

"Yeah, she wanted something to do, so I told her to do that!" I say shrugging uncaringly.

She sighs deeply.

"I'ma need your body" She says plainly.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"I have something I need to do and I can't do it in my spirit form" She says.

"Man damn! this was suppose to be my day off! Ughhhhh!!! I can't get a fucking break!" I say upset.

"Don't be like that nicki, you still gon have yo day, this won't take long!" She says.

"Why can't you use vanessa!?" I ask.

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