Chapter 12 : Day 1, Kanye

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Vanessa POV

"V! V! V! V! Wake up! Wake up!...Man get yo sleepy ass up!!" I wake up to cookie jumping all over me. I groan loudly and push her off me.

"Go away!" I say as I turned my back towards her. She took that as a chance to throw some cold ass ice water on me. I jumped up so damn quick. She laughed but when she saw I wasn't laughing with her she started to run.

"COOKIE YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!!!" I yelled as I ran after her.

"D! D! HEEELLLPPP!!! V tryna kill meeee!!!" She yelled as she was running from me.

"Bring yo narrow ass here!!" I say snatching her up in my arms. She fought to get out my grip and was successful cause kicked me in the leg.

"Ow! FUCK!" I shouted as I grabbed my leg, hopping around on the other.


"Yo! What's with all the damn yelling!?" D ask walking into the livingroom.

"Yo damn sister! you betta get her before I do!" I say.

"Why you wet?" Nicki ask.

"Cookie through ice water on me while I was trying to sleep!" I say.

D and nicki laugh.

"That shit ain't funny! she even kicked me in my damn leg!" I say rubbing it.

"What you did to her?" D ask.

"Nothing! She came in my damn room jumping and shouting for me to wake up!" I say.

"Cookie!?!" D calls.

"Yes?" Cookie ask appearing from the kitchen.

"Why you did that?" D ask.

"Because nicki told me to wake her up!" Cookie says.

We look at nicki.

"What?...I didn't know she was going to do what she did! All I said was for her to wake you up....she did the rest on her own!" Nicki defended.

"Cookie go to your room, now!" D demands.

"Ok" Cookie says as she slowly makes her way to her room.

Nicki helps me up off the floor.

"You ready for day 1 of 'Vanessa's Revenge'?" Nicki ask smiling.

"Best believe I am!" I say.

"Alright go get ready!" She says.

I go upstairs and get ready.

Nicki POV

"Vanessa's Revenge?" D ask looking confused.

"Yeah! You coming?" I ask.

"Hell no! I gotta watch cookie" She says.

"Cookie can come too!" I suggested.

"No nicki, I am not going, neither is cookie" D says.

"Ok fine!" I say.

D walks off and vanessa comes hopping down the stairs all happy like.

"Somebodys a little too happy!" I say smiling.

"Hell yeah!" She says smiling.

"So who first on your list?" I ask.

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