7 (pt. i)

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A/N: This one is dedicated to G.R, because of his undying committment to interpret the world in the way that he sees fit. You are an incredible, incredible person, and I think more people need to know that. Every single word in this is only for you.
The song on the right sums up the feel of this. Listen to it please! I hated the original song, but I absolutely love this cover.
Thank you to those of you who have been reading this book <3


You make me lightheaded, woozy. You make me want to sing and leave everything behind and see it all with you, fly and soar and change the fucking world. I am floored.

I have not thought about anyone this long or hard in what feels like forever. You have consumed my mind, left me in a daze of fascination and breathlessness.

I feel as though I have landed on another planet, like I am watching all that is foreign unfold around me. I feel as though there is nothing that can detract from this moment, as though I have only just woken up, as if I have only just woken up next to you.

You make me want to cry and laugh and love. All I can think about is the color of your eyes and how bright they get when you talk about what others might view as nonsense, but what I think is brilliant. Who are they to say what is, and what isn't? Who are they to say who is and who isn't? You are undefined.

Your mind is the most beautiful mind I have come across. I want to talk to you for hours. I have never met anyone as interesting as you. I want to hold your hand and let you kiss me in your beat-up blue pick-up truck and go swimming in the sea with you at midnight, among the sand and the stars and the black sky. 

I have spoken no more than six words to you and you have already captured my imagination, roped me in without giving me a choice. I want to explore every crevice of your brain, comb through your thoughts and intertwine them with mine, rid myself of your blush blooming on my face and feel brave enough to hold you. 

I look at you and I think it's a shame that no one sees you the way I do, sees how miraculous you are, sees that the way you think is unmatched by anyone. You are a gift.

You make me want to engage with the world, invest myself in that which others find insignificant, and create something enormous, something significant to me. I want to sit at the edge of the earth and make my own universe, each galaxy the feelings in your heart, each star a droplet of your thoughts.

I am intrigued beyond what I thought was mentally and emotionally possible. You have singlehandedly gone and done away with all of my preconceived notions about what life is supposed to be, how life is supposed to work.

I don't know what to think. All I can think is you.

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