7 (pt. ii)

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A/N: This, again, is for G.R., who has somehow managed to capture my imagination. You can thank him for nearly everything I write at this point.
(Also, the song on the right is incredible. Listen!)


The sky is beautiful when it’s storming.

The swirls of gray outlined in bright white. The wind carving wrinkles into the sky, aging it with each clap of thunder that echoes across the Earth. Looking up and seeing blinding light, pouring rain.

I like to go to the beach when it storms, walk on the sand by myself. I like to imagine that I’m standing at the edge of time itself, of past and present and future – that, in an instant, a whirlwind will open up and take me away to some other world, a place where you and I can be together.

I can’t help but think about you when it storms. Your laugh sends sparks down my spine, like the lightning curling around clouds. Your smile is so loud that the ground shudders in its wake. The waves of blue and grey in your eyes surge forward and crash against the rocks, taking pieces of me with them each and every time. Your presence electrifies the air between us, makes my vision hazy, makes my breath ragged.

I sit on the rocks and watch the world quake around me. I watch, and I see my emotions reflected in the sky, the ocean, the air. I am a pebble and you are a hurricane, picking me up and carrying me away, leaving me frozen. I am helpless against your influence. The second you walk into a room, I am gone and gone and gone.

You take a breath and look at me, and I am at the mercy of your storm. You say my name and the earth beneath my feet rumbles, shattering my capacity for resistance. You pause for a moment, and I can see that glint in your eye and I know that it’s something different, that this is something different. Your waves of blue flood my heart and I can think of nothing else, of no one else. I want you, I want you all the time and everywhere and in every way.  

I am a pebble, and you are a hurricane. I am a pebble, and you are lightning. I am a pebble, and you are thunder, earthquakes, riptides. You have cracked open the sky and I am falling down into it, into a place of no return.

I am a pebble, and you are lightning, and somehow, you have set me on fire. 

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