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M Y P A I N . Y O U R P L E A S U R E .



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It hurt so much. Every beating, every punch, every kick. I was terrified of him. I did nothing wrong. So why this? Why did it have to be me? Her words blurred as she spoke in her head. The boy in front of her didn't care if she was suffering. He only cared if she felt the pain. She winced in agony as he hit her ribs, another at her ankle. She was alone, nobody stood up for her, nobody looked at her. Fuck, nobody even knew her. She was all alone.

Park Sohye. A girl who was invisible to the world. Nobody knew what her life was like outside of school, or more like nobody cared nor bothered. She always kept to herself, but was the center of attention when it came to being a victim. Since she was a little girl, was abused by her parents who never loved her once she was born into the city of Seoul. Jeon Jungkook was her favourite to bully, and never did he not get away from bringing her pain every single day at school.

Sohye learned to deal with her parents and was used to their beatings. Her meals were basically nothing while she worked at a part time job to save money so she could live on her own later in the future. She never made any friends and she preferred it that way. Sohye had to put up with all of this, and she found that there was no getting around it. She admitted that the world was never a fair place, and that if you were the one who as unlucky, then you had to deal with it.

She coughed up blood from the final punch at her chest. Jungkook's eyes looking with cold dark orbs that said you're a worthless piece of shit. "You know, beating you up just makes me excited to come to school. It's like the things that I look forward to every single time I come here. I can't wait for tomorrow. See you later." Jungkook walked away as Sohye laid on the ground of an alley way near the school as she saw nothing. Seconds of just a blurring vision, until it faded to black.


Sohye was walking on the street. Her left leg was limping while she was holding her rib cage in place. She didn't have the money to get medical care and had to deal with the pain on her own. The walk was long. Silent. Suffering. She didn't get back to her place until midnight, dragging herself up the stairs.

Her parents were asleep. She tried not to wake them up or else she would just another punch in the face for the second time today. At this point, she forgot what she looked like, but was tormented with the swore injuries she had encounter. While Sohye unlocked the door to her room, she dropped herself against the bed to relax. Her back was all cramped up, bruises everywhere, and blood all over her clothes.

I know this hurts Sohye but you have to get up to go to work. She said to herself. She counted to three and stood up from the bed. She wrapped herself with bandages and changed into cleaner clothes than before. She found that the blood stained her bed and that she would have to bleach them this week.

She exhaled a breath from her lips. Except she heard footsteps. Her father stormed in, reeking the scent of alcohol.

"There you are fucker!"


Sohye came to school with blood shot eyes and bruises that she tried to cover up with a sweater. She was limping while she walked down the halls of the school. Everyone ignored Sohye who was obviously injured but they didn't care one single bit. She went to her first class, picking up her books from her locker before going there. However, a hand slammed her locker door shut and she knew who it was. His face went from no emotions to a smirk of satisfaction on his mouth. "I hope you're having a wonderful day today, because I'm going to make mine just as good."

Jungkook was about to push Sohye into the locker however, his best friend stopped him. "Hey. Can we not beat her up today. I want to go to the roof. Let's skip." Jungkook looked at his best friend. "Taehyung, can't you see I'm a little busy." Taehyung sighed. "Leave the slut alone. You can beat up anytime of the month." His grip released from her shoulder as he walked away with Taehyung.

Sohye looked down at her hand as she saw it shaking and it wouldn't stop. Over the years, she developed anxiety. But it was the bad type of anxiety. Somedays her depression was bad and feel the need to kill herself, other days she would have panic attacks with fear blazing though her eyes. This life that Sohye lived in was full of you suffering, but this was what she had.


Sohye walked into class while taking a seat at the back of the room. Even though she had it rough with all the shit in her life, school was the one thing Sohye actually gave a fuck about. Going to Seoul University was her dream, and she wanted to achieve it. "Ok class, let's start with attendance." Mrs. Kim went through everybody's name and each student was here today...accept one. "Jungkook's missing class today I see. Just another detention for him."


The bell rang for the next class and all the students got up from their desks to make it out of the classroom. Until Sohye heard her teacher to come over. "Sohye, a student is currently failing my class. And as the top student, I hope you can help him." She nodded. "You and Jungkook can start tomorrow. That's okay with you? Right?"

Sohye's jaw dropped, her eyes widened, and she went blank. The person she were terrified of was the person she were going to tutor. Sohye couldn't do this. Sohye can't do this. "Mrs. Kim, I know you like to push your students but I simply can't tutor Jungkook. He isn't somebody who get along with people like me." She blurted out.

"Sohye, Jungkook is failing this class and if I put him with a guy, then he'll just get them into trouble. And if I put him with another girl, then she would be flirting with him the whole time, not getting the kid to learn anything. Sohye, please. Do me a favour and just tutor the kid. Your principle will start yelling at me if his grades don't go up." Mrs. Kim chuckles as Sohye groans at herself. "I'll talk to him. You'll be great." And Mrs. Kim just smiled as Sohye's body was shaking.

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