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C H A P T E R   S E V E N

W H E R E   W E R E   Y O U ?


It's been two weeks since Sohye has been to school

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It's been two weeks since Sohye has been to school. But nobody noticed that. They would brush it off their shoulders when teachers did attendance and said that she would miss class that day. And whenever her name was brought up, people simply didn't care.

Except for one person.

Jungkook has been lazy as ever. Not paying attention in school and being the laid back student he is. Since Sohye hasn't been in class, he was getting tutored by Choi Yuju. To be honest, the girl was hot. She has perfects curves that was shown by the tight fitted clothes and those beautiful alluring eyes, but he couldn't get his mind off Sohye.

She was missing for two weeks, and he was still confused about the wounds on her body. He remembered the maids telling him that she had many and it was scary just looking at them. Sometimes he would feel guilty because he knew that some of those were his when they shouldn't. He kept telling himself that it was his fault. It was his mistake that he would have to fix. It was all him. Why did he have to bully her? Why did he have to sometimes be the reason she cries? Why was he so angered that he felt the need to target her? Let's be honest here, Jungkook was worried for her. He was so fucking worried that he was thinking about her 24/7. He knew that he was insane, but he couldn't help it.

Taehyung told him that she worked at a convince store but he didn't see her there recently. Even though Jungkook was scared that she wasn't showing up in school, he felt the rage inside of him. He was angry that nobody felt worried that Sohye wasn't here. They never talk about her nor did they think of her. It was just Jungkook by himself.

"Jungkook, at you listening?!" Yuju screamed at him. They were both currently in a lesson together but Jungkook was spacing out. "Yeah.. yeah. Just... continue." He could hear her scoff as he kept thinking about her. "What is on your mind?! Just focus for one second." Her voice was starting to raise as he began looking at the numbers in front of him. "Sorry. " he said as he was trying to finish up the lesson quick. "Let's just stop here. I'll finish the sheet. I rather do it alone." He stood up for the chair as he swept his backpack over his shoulder. Grabbing the books in his hand, not bothering to look at Yuju in the eye. And she was losing him.

You see, Yuju wanted him to stay. She actually had a crush on Jungkook but she couldn't get why he would space out all the time? "Wait! Stay a little bit. We can walk out together and maybe get a drink?!" Yuju tried to hint that she liked him but Jungkook didn't get the message. Or more like he didn't want to get the message. "Tell Mrs. Kim to not let you tutor me anymore. I don't need it." He checked the time on his phone as Yuju was getting the feeling of rejection. "Can we at least hangout more?" She whispered but spoke loud enough to let him hear.

"And why would I want that?" He place his phone back in his pocket as he levelled with Yuju's gaze. " Because I... like... you." She looked down as she confessed. But Jungkook laughed. "Good for you." He glanced at her as he coldly said his words. "But I don't think we can be together," He was walking up to her while leaning in to her ear. "Because girls like you," Yuju was still, hands clenched together and her bitting her lip to ease the pain.

"Piss me off."

Yuju was known for being a nice person. Saying she cared for every person in the school. Thinking that all students should be treated the same. However, Yuju also bullied Sohye. Yes, Jungkook did do the same to Sohye but just the way she would lie to people like how she wanted everyone to be good friends with her was a complete, fat, lie. And she wouldn't physically bully Sohye, but she did, by verbally saying things that were absolutely unbelievable to hear.

Jungkook couldn't imagine how Sohye could be strong enough to listen to the words that Choi Yuju would spit at her. Telling Sohye that she should die in a hole, hoping she would get raped, or just anything that was so fucking mean. And this made Jungkook feel even more guilty. Sohye was a target in everyone eyes. Because everyone in this school was so messed up. Everyone was so toxic. Everyone was so out of their minds to the point that it's unimaginable to think what Sohye went through. Jungkook might of played a big part in Sohye's bullying, but so did other students. Everyone was fake and would believe anything right from the second they heard something. And if it was about Park Sohye, there was no 'two sides' of the story and only one. 

Jungkook strutted out of the library doors as Yuju was left inside. Probably crying because of rejection but that was the least of his worries. When Sohye left for two weeks, Jungkook began to start thinking. His assumptions were everywhere. Was it other students who bullied her? Was it someone outside of her school? Was she suicidal? His thoughts were all over the place and there were so many out comes that it could of been anything.

The young man did ask Taehyung for information that could of been the reason for her injuries but Taehyung also didn't care about her. Jungkook was the only one that cared for Sohye's absence. And he was just wanted answers.

He was walking along the sidewalk of a neighbourhood. He didn't know where he was going anymore but he kept thinking of her. His eyes lured at the houses beside him. The old wood and dirty doors. But he thought of how they would at least have families in them and live their lives happily. Something he couldn't relate to.

The quiet steps of his shoes making contact on the pavement. The sound of crickets chirping in the grass. The broken street light flickering on and off that would illuminate the road every one second. And a person with a black hoodie walking towards Jungkook. Their leg was limping as they held a plastic bag in their hand. Jungkook noticed a few strands of hair floating around their face as it was too dark to see their appearance. And them trying to walk at a good pace but failing to do so.

Jungkook was about to pass them until they reached for his hand. Gripping onto the jacket he was wearing and falling forward into his chest. The sweet scent of vanilla passing through their hair as the whisper of their words speak in Jungkook ears. The whimpers that released from their lips cries for help as Jungkook felt the wet tears fall on his shirt. The familiar voice lingers through his mind as he reaches to hold their hand. Stopping them from dropping to the ground and painfully hold onto the suffering they've endured.

It was a girl, talking to Jungkook. And she was finally in his hands. She was finally here with him. But her words cracked, yearning for him. The soft yet hurtful murmurs remain in his thoughts. And she collapses, as he holds her.

And the words she said before?!

"Help me,


Just a night owl writing at 12 o clock on the morning. Lol.

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