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C H A P T E R    T W O

O P E N    W O U N D S .



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Sohye was back at school the next day. She was terrified to see him. Jungkook. She knew she was cursed with this life that she lived in. She was worried she would meet him in the middle of the day and build up enough anger in him to kick and punch her. Her wound was still fresh from the knife her mother cut her with last night. A huge gash was across her wrist and she didn't have enough bandages to wrap it up. Apparently parents could rage over their child trying to find food in the kitchen, their child starving with less than one meal every two days.

She couldn't go out to get more because her parents locked her in the house that night and she cried herself to sleep, feeling the pain and hot tears that stained her cheek. Sohye was worried about a lot of things and her mind was one big mess inside.

She wasn't even halfway up the hall way and already felt a hand on her wrist. It was gripped firmly and she couldn't let go. Her body was dragged into a tiny room filled with files but too dark for her to see the person that brought her here.

She could see the silhouette of the boy with the scent of vanilla. He was alluring and leaned on her until her back hit the shelf full of books. "I never asked to get lessons from you. So who said you could?" She knew who it was. Her eyes widened and she was shaking. Jungkook saw the fear by her body trying to walk back but he didn't let her get away.

With the simple push of his body on hers, Jungkook cornered her by putting both hands on the shelf, her head in between. She was going no where until he was done with her.

Jungkook suddenly smashed his lips on hers and he could feel her trembling. Sohye refused to him to allow his tongue to enter in. Yet, he bit the flesh of her mouth, allowing himself to do so, overpowering the weak girl.

He went down to her neck where she didn't move and he had access to kiss there. He sucked on her skin, feeling Sohye trying to push him away. Himself biting the bruised skin until he could taste blood and pulling away with the sight of her crying. Sohye  was shaking. With the tears to the brim of her eyes to the clenching fist of how infuriated she was, she did nothing.

Her legs gave up and slumped down to the ground. Jungkook standing in front of her and plastered a sasified smirk on his lips.

"See you tonight. You better teach me well" He chuckled but his eyes landed on something else. Her sweater, grazing over her right wrist revealing the bloody, red gash on her skin. Jungkook never used weapons on her, never would he beat someone up with a knife other than his fists. He had so many questions where she got that wound and it must of been done by a person.

But he left her there. He left the room with his mind circling around the image of her blood. Her blood on the deep wound imbedded on her wrist. And why anyone would do that?


It was lunch and Sohye felt her leg starting to limp. Her parents really decided to breaking every bone in her. She tried to cover up the way she painfully walked but she couldn't hide it. The purging pain never stopped and many people were starring.

She didn't have enough money to eat at the cafeteria and all Sohye could do was wait until she got paid from her job. She tried to drag herself to the library and just skip the whole day. She might as well wait until the bell rang and hope that she could rest there. She could change clothes once the bell rang and wait for Jungkook to come for their lesson. With that, Sohye rested by laying her head down on the table and shutting her eyes, sleeping away.


Sohye  yawned and stretched her arms. Her nap made her feel a little light headed but she knew she had to get up. She looked at the time from her phone and saw it was 5 o clock. She gasped realizing her over slept. But before see knew it, she looked to her side, viewing Jungkook sitting beside her. His hands clutched onto the phone and not once did he glance at her.

Sohye pinched her eyes and opened them again. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so tired." She took out her backpack and Jungkook finally focused on her. Nobody was in the library and it was dark outside. "I'll be right back."

Sohye gathered her clothes and ran to the bathroom. Quickly slipping on the leggings and shirt. She washed her face and rushed back to the table, sitting down and taking out her books. Sohye then took a breath. "How long have you been waiting?"

Jungkook smirks. "2 hours miss". Sohye  stares at him in shock and almost loses her breath.

"I'm so so sorry. Let's start."


Jungkook couldn't focus. The wound was getting worse and it looked infected. "Jungkook, I know you are angry about me being your tutor but please listen." Jungkook stared at her. He could see the bruises all over her arms and neck. The slight redness of her eyes and the swollen lip he created earlier. The multiple scars placed on her skin and the endless cuts the covered her body.

"Who did it?" He was just so curious he wanted to know.

"What?" Sohye  responded back.

"Who cut you?."

She quickly tried to cover it with the sleeve of her shirt. But Jungkook grabbed it. "Please Jungkook. Don't."

But he took a look anyways. And he saw how bad it was. There was nothing to protect it. All it was was blood and gashing of the wound and he kept looking at it.

"Please, just let go." She managed to say out loud. She was scared. Scared that he would do something. To her, to her body, to anything.

"Who did it?" His voice was louder. "Answer me." She pulled away from him, quickly cleaning up all the books and paper on the table.

"Let's end for today." But Jungkook quickly grabbed her hand. "Jungkook, please just let go. You can bully me after today, even now but please, let go." Sohye was scared that he would find out about her parents. She already was the joke of the school, she couldn't afford more torture.

"Tell me." She stood still. Thinking about if she should tell him. "It's none of your concern. So stay out of it." She told him, and ran out of the library, as Jungkook was left with the curiosity of the person who harmed her.

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