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Jimin P.O.V.~(2 hours later)we were still practicing when i decided we should take a break "hey jimin are you nervous for tomorrow"Chen hyung asked "of what?"I asnwered "for the game tomorrow"Chen hyung said "Ohhh nope,why?"I asked "cause I thought you'd be nervous for your first game and a very important game at that!"Chen hyung said again "no I'm fine cause we'll win tomorrow"I said "how are you so sure"suho hyung said walking up to us with the rest of the team "yea,how so sure about it"they all asked "cause I know we well cause I won't let them take this victory like the other's they have!!"I shouted with anger a bit "ok we well win!"sehun hyung said "back to practice!!"I shouted and we all started practice again.

(5 hours later) after hours of practice we were done and we collapsed on the ground to take deep breathes. "Damn we better win tomorrow,cause we just work our asses of for 2 days straight"baekyun hyung said "for real's we better"Kai hyung said "we well"I said back and stood up and packed all my things "where are you going!"they all asked "home,practice is over,why?"I tilted my head in confusion they all looked down nervously "B-because we were wondering if we can sleep over at your house tonight so we can all go together tomorrow at the game"baekyun hyung asked "ofcourse you can!!"I said and they all looked up at me smiling "for real"sehun hyung asked "yes sehun yes"and they all stood up all happy and ran to they're bags to pack up and they ran out the stadium. "Hold up guys!!"I shouted running after them after i ran bejind then and making it outside they were waiting for me "alright lets go ill show you guys the way"I said and started walking "oh we already know where you live"one of them said,I stopped dead in my tracks "what?how?"I asked "oh coach gave it to us when you were new to our team"sehun said "Ohhh"I said feeling more relaxed knowing they werent stalkers "alright then last one there is a dumbass!"I shouted and I ran to my car and so did they so I started my car and sped off to my house.

(20 minutes later)I had made it home but there was still no sign of the others yet so I waited for them outside (5 minutes later)then I heard other cars coming my way first was D.O and sehun then the rest followed behind and the last one was Chen "haha Chen your a dumbass!!"baekyun shouted and we all laughed "yea,yea whatever lets go inside"he said rolling his eyes and we were still laughing when we entered "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!!"I heard somebody yell then I looked forward and saw a very furious chanyeol "O-o-oh u-um i f-forgot to call Y-you"I stuttered cause he's never yelled at me at all and my eyes started to tear up cause i was shocked,so i looked down and let my hair cover my face,he started walking up to me and I started shaking nervously thinking he was going to hurt me so i shut my eyes close.

The next thing I didnt expect he grabbed my chin softly "open your eyes mochi"he whispered to me softly and i shook my head saying no "please open them im sorry please open your beautiful,gorgeous eyes"he whispered again and softly and i fluttered my eyes opened then some of my tears fell down my cheeks and his facial expressions softened at my sight and then he hugged me softly and started to play with my hair "ohhh I'm sorry my beautiful mochi i didn't mean to yell at you,I was just worried I still love you alot"he whispered in my ear and i hugged back sobbing a bit in his chest still shocked at what just had happened then he let me go and then leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss that I responded back after a few moments he pulled back and looked into my eyes "I'm sorry baby do you forgive me"he asked and I nodded a yes and he gave me a hug and smiled at me "alright go to sleep you have an important day tomorrow"he said and i nodded "*cough*we're still here *cough*"somebody said behind me.

When I looked behind me they all had sadness,jealousy,and anger in they're eyes and i tilted my head in confusion "oh yea they're staying tonight for tomorrow"I explained to chanyeol lowly and he nodded a yes "alright we'll show you your own rooms"chanyeol said and I started walking up the stairs and they all followed "oh and when you finish showering come to my room so we can all go downstairs together and leave together,ok!!"I said smiling and they all nodded (10 minutes later)after showing them they're own rooms I went to my room and changed out of my dirty cloths and into some clean cloths.I went and layed down on my bed and fell asleep thinks about the theories about tomorrows game.
Hope u guys liked this chapter and hope your prepared for they're game just an annoucment the game well be around 2 or 3 CHAPTERS long so just you could all know but please don't forget to.........

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