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"Is that a puppy!" a wide smile forms on my face
Laughing Kirishima states "yes sir. I found her when I was on my way back from shopping " I calm down from my girly episode. I internaly face palm slightly blushing.
"Can I hold her?"
"Uhh if she likes you sure" he hands me the ball of fluff. Hesitantly the dog lifts its head to meet mine. Warming up to me quickly she licks my nose as her tiny tail wags side to side.
"Awww" I hear a small noise and see Kirishima has his phone out pointed at me.
"D-did you just take a photo of me shity hair!" blushing I yell at him hitting him careful not to hurt the dog.
"It was worth it!" he hardens everytime I hit him or set off explosions.
"Fuck you shity hair" We start to playfight after I set the dog down. She eventually just sat on Kiris bed watching us make fools of our selfs with me decideing to go easy on him.
*about an hour later*
Growling after not being able to get him to delete the photos I sit on his bed more interested in the dog then Kiri.
"So whats her name?" I ask peting her back.
"I'm not sure. I mean all the names I've said she doesn't respond to.." trailing out of his thoughts his face looks a little glum.
Thinking for a moment "Okami" the dog looks from Kirishima directly to me waging her tail.
"What she responded to it so she must like it smart ass."
"Okami it is!" his confusion changes to excitement "Hmm what about a lastname?"
"Like what?"
"Hmm.. What about Atsushi?"
"So she's like a warrior wolf?" I ask raising my eyebrow.
"Yea!" stars in his eyes he smiles "Do you like it?"
"Why you asking my permission to name your fucking dog?" I ask confused
"Uhh. Well I thought. Since she likes you. Umm." he fidgets with his hands
"Spit it out before I kill you Shity hair" growing impationt I start making small explosions in my hand.
"I thought you would like maybe help me raise her?" he says a slight blush riseing from his cheek to his ears.

Haha another cliff hanger.  More like me being lazy. Lol.
Welp I got this done and my new profice pic! For my excitement I wrote a slightly longer chapter so hope you enjoyed. I enjoyed writing it so..
Well by guys love ya!❤💕

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