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"Mina why are we hear again?" I ask as we walk through aisles of rainbow make-up, clothes, and accessories.
"Because you are coming with me to the pride fest next week, plus I don't want to go alone." She says putting on a rainbow flower crown.
"Min. I love you as a friend. But couldn't you have asked Kami or Sero to go?" I ask cocking my head to the side, my red hair getting in my face due to partly my laziness earlier and waking up on a weekend to a very loud pink haired girl who is ironically standing next to me.
"No!" She shouts getting stairs from others in the store "Those two would ditch me for food or end up going for the candy and getting fat." She states quieter and hand on her hip wile holding a rainbow flower crown matching hers. Sighing I return to looking at a pink dress with a lip clip-art. ' What's the difference between lipstick lesbian to lesbian any way' I think to my self pulling the dress off the shelf holding it up for Mina to see.
"What's the difference between lipstick lesbian and lesbian anyway?" She asks taking the dress holding it up to her body trying to see what it looks like.
"No clue. I know less then you about all this 'pride' stuff"
"Well that doesn't matter right now, does this look ok on me or should I just wear the rainbow crop top from earlier?"
"Hmm. I'd say crop top with white pants"
"Ok thanks Kiri" she puts the dress back and heads to the shirt aisle. I follow her and once she grabs the shirt we head to pay for it.

"Thanks sir" I say giving a small smile to the guy at the counter after paying for the flower crown Mina choose for me.
"No problem handsome" the guy says winking.
"Ok Kiri let's go" Mina says grabbing my hand aggravated for some reason. I wonder what set her off? Maybe it was the cashier, he was kinda weird. Not that I minded to much.
"So what now Min?" I ask as we depart from the limit time shop. Reminds me of those Halloween store's, they are hella manly, here one day, gone the next. So cool.
"I wanna put you in makeup for the fest so we're going to test out some killer styles." She says a smile forming on her lips.
"Umm ok?" I agree with her as she happily pulls me towards the dorms. 'at least this makes her happy' I think to my self not realizing what I signed myself up for.

Mina pov
Leaving the store I pull Kiri along with me. 'Ugh he did NOT just try to hit on Kiri. Even if Kiri's not gay there's no way that side character at best is getting in the way of my ship' I pretty much storm down the streets earning stairs from on lookers, not that I care.
"So what now Min?" Kiri asks as I pull him down the street. Thinking about it I have a great idea.
"I wanna put you in makeup for the fest so we're going to test out some killer styles! And get a certain someone to come with us" I say brightening up and mumbling the last part.
Thankfully be doesn't hear.

After waving to Bakugou and oddly Kaminari we enter the dorms walking to my room so I can start phase one.

 Entering my room I  place my bags down on my desk.
"Come on in Kirishima, take a seat on the chair then I'll get my makeup and get started." I say walking to my bathroom.
"Ok, but why do I have to wear makeup and why are you putting it on me so soon shouldn't we wait till the festival?"
"No we shouldn't wait. Because if we do them I won't know what looks good on you." I say coming back with my makeup bag which is about 3 pounds.
"Now sit back and let Mama Mina work her magic"

Man I love Mina she's my number one wifu in MHA. Now I can't wait to see how Kirishima turns out with the makeup on! tune in next time to see.

Chio out!

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