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Kirishima pov
After Okami forgave Bakugo for scaring her we start walking.
Going down the path I start to stare at Bakugou as he's walking with Okami. I end up not paying attention and bumping into Tsuyu.
"Ahh sorry Tsu." I say helping her up.
"It's ok Kirishima. Kero" she says smiling. Giving her my usual toothy  grin I decided to ask once she's up and rid of dirt.
"Hey Tsu. How would you feel if we got a dorm pet. Bakugou and I would take care of her." Bakugou was already in the door Okami troting besides him.
"I would be fine so long as it ain't a big snake. Kero" she says almost blankly.
"Great! When you get back you can meet Okami then!" I run after Bakugou waving to Tsu. She turns to walk to what I can assume the mixer Mina pland. I wanted to go but I couldn't leave Okami alone for so long.
"What was that about?" Bakugou asks looking to me quizzingly as I get closer to him.
"I just asked Tsu if she was fine with having Okami." I say stopping next to him. "She's fine with Okami staying "
"Whatever"  he turns and walks to the elevator. A small smile on his face. 'He should smile more, its cute'

After about an hour of asking everyone if Okami could stay. Thankfully, after persuading a few people, mostly just Bskugou yelling threat's if she couldn't stay, everyone eventually said yes. Weather it be out of fear or true change in mind set. I don't truly know.

Walking down the hall to my dorm I take Okami from Bakugou as we part ways.
"Good night Bakugo!" I smile at him.
"Night"  he enters his room without looking back.
'Man is he manly. Convinsing everyone like that to let Okami stay.' I walk into my room and sit at my desk.
"So what do you think of everyone Okami?" looking to me she tilts her head as if she was thinking before waging her tail.
"I'll take it that you like most of them" I get up to change into a white sleeveless and black fuzzy paints saying riot in a crimson red color down the one pant leg. These were my favorite pj pants. Ploping on the bed Okami curls up next to me. It was nice not being alone at night for once.

Being alone.

The thing that scares me the most.
I think back to my life at home whenever my parents got in a fight, which was almost every night when I lived with them. I would end up sitting on my bed hugging my shark plushie, clinging to it for dear life, in fear they woyld yell at me. I always sat there alone till morning. I hated being alone at night qhen there was alot of noise. But I wouldn't be a man if anyone found out. I still have the shark plushie with me. But I don't use him as much, knowing Okami would be there from now one for awile made me happy and it makes me feel safe. So it simply lays on my top shelf like a garden angel watching over me and Okami. I slept peacefully for once. Every night since I found Okami. I've had no nightmares no nothing just a black bliss.
"Night Okami" shortly after I'm taken by the peaceful void

Aww my precious baby boy! Okami you better protect the cinomonroll.

*cough *cough~ foreshadowing
Welp my dear reader(s) I apologize for the late update if you read my other story 'The path I walk' which is a bunch of updates and what not you would know why. So go read it if you want to know why I am late.

If not.

Bye~ Author loves you all very much! 💛❤💛

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