I think I do

352 17 10

Kirishima pov

Ugh its only been a couple of days since I could hang with Bakugou
I think as I scroll through my phone on the common room couch, sighing as I think about what he could be doing. Groaning I sluggishly get up gaining a few worried looks, ignoring them I head into my room hoping to hear if Bakugou is in his room. And to no avail and my sadness he isn't.
What could be so important that he can't take like an hour to hang with me
I take my T-shirt off tossing it to the hamper. Turning away I raise my fists delivering one hard hit to my punching bag.

"Graa" landing a few more I freeze
Wait, am I, jealous?
Realizing that I hit the punching bag a few more times and pull out my phone.

Me: guys I'm screwed

Pikachu: you finally kill someone

Me: no! Kami why'd I kill someone

Flextape: whats up kiri

Mom: what happened tell mama mina

Me: Just come to my room I'll tell you when you get up here

Pikachu: on my way

Flextape: same

Mom: I got the snack's
Not to long after getting a shirt on and putting my phone on the charger a series of knocks erupts in the room.

"Coming" I open the door to see Mina, Kami, and Sero on the other side.

"Kiri! Tell Mama Mina what's wrong" she jumps on me.

"Chill. Mina. We don't even know what wrong" Sero chimes in followed by Kami.

"Yea. At least wait till we enter the room to start questioning him"

"Yea. Yea. Whatever I just can't stand my cinnamonroll getting sad" she says giving me one last squish before sitting on my bed petting Okami.

"Ok whats up dude"

"What does it mean when you want someone to only hang out with you and it hurts your heart when you're apart and don't hang out" I blurt out not thinking how that sounded.

"Uhh Min?" Kami and Sero turn to her as they are clearly confused. Her eyes have literal star's in them.

"Eeeeeee! Ok, Kiri who is it, who do you have these thoughts about" she screams excitedly

"U-um B-Bakugou" I look down slightly sacred.

"Ok are there any other things that happen when you're around him? Like your heart skips a beat, you find things he does cute, or you want to protect him?"

"H-how'd you know that." I say kinda scared

Does Mina have another quirk?

"I KNEW IT! Kiri I think you like like him" she yells jumping frantically scaring Okami who now lays on my lap covering most of it. "And no I don't have another quirk I just know how love works" she adds

"Wait. What! " my face turns red. Thinking about it, I think she's right. I think I do like him.

"Really Bakugou?" Sero but's in only to have Mina smacking him upside the head "ow sorry, congrats Kiri"

"Congratulations man" Kami says patting my back.

"That's not all of it is there?" Sero says looking at me plainly.

"No, even if I do like him he clearly doesn't like me. I mean he hasn't even talked to me aside from when we're in class do you think he's starting to hate me?"

"I doubt it, you still are realy close to him" Kaminary says "I still think you're the only one who's not scared of him even just slightly"

"Oh Kiri, trust me when I say he doesn't hate you." Mina says as they all come up to give me hug.

"Hey lets stop moping and play some Mario cart!" Kami says smiling

"You're on Kami " Sero and Mina pipe in

"Yea, why not"

Mina pov

Not being able to comfort Kiri any further makes me kinda sad. I wish I could tell him. Bakugou you bitch you better hurry up

"C'mon Kami how are you so bad at this" we all laugh passing Kaminary at the first lap. We end up playing Mario cart till late. Waving good bye I decide to text Bakugou.

Me: You better hury your ass up on confessing

Bakubitch: Bitch chill I should be able to by Friday

Me: Good luck

Bakubitch: Thanks now leave me alone my hands hurt and I'm tired

Me: Night

Hewo people! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a wonderful day/night Chio out!

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