Lost (pt2)

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After Kirishima left and I got bored of chewing the shoes so I decided to eat my forgotten breakfast then take a nap. But to my luck.

"It's no use. I can't sleep! Kirishima come back." I wine pawing at the door helplessly until suddenly it moves. 

"Dear Lord, what is going on! Devil door! Devil door!" I quickly back off from the door hitting the wall.

" That's not meant to move. But. . . . If I can move it. It can open!" I yip, stars forming in my purple orbs for eyes. Trotting to the door I nuzzle the crack of the door pushing it open. 

"Success!" Taking one last look at the room I call home to see a small pile of red rubber that was my boredom, then taking my first step alone into the dorms mass of hallways. Looking into the halls I head towards the moving box Kiri and I go to when we go for walks. Sitting by it's door i wait for it to open. Then after ten minutes of it not opening  I start to wonder.

"Hmm how do I work this thing" Pacing around the door my ears droop from there normal perky position. Then, I remember when Kirishima comes to the door he always touches something on the wall. placing my paws onto the wall I search for an indication of something to press. the right in front of me a silver bump protrudes out of the wall. considering I don't have hands I press it with my nose. No longer does it take for me to get off the wall then it does for the door to open. stepping in the box i look around hoping to see something to give me a clue on what to do next. The thing that stands out to me are the bumps on the wall similer to the two out side except there's a lot more. Repeating the steps I took before to get into the box I press a bump and the box starts to move. Once the doors open I'm faced with new and kinda familiar smells. excitement boils in my stomic as I bound down the mass of new halls twists and turns, returning to the box every so often to reach new smells and sights.

 After sixish hours of roaming around I decide I should go back to my bed and take a nap before Kirishima comes back.

"Now which way did I come from" I yawn stretching trying to find the box to return to my home. 

"Uhh this way?" walking down the hall I remember the last time I got lost. I sat down where I was at then Bakugou came and found me worry written on his face. so I decide to wait it out.

"I hope they won't be to mad this time, Bakugou was really mad last time." Sitting down My ears droop and I start to wine. As I'm sitting there I hear yelling and foot steps close bye. I let out a bark telling them  where I am but no one's there until a bird looking guy comes up to me.

"There you are Okami. Bakugou and Kirishima are frantic looking for you. C'mon lets bring you back to your Dad's" He squats holding his hand out for me to sniff, determining he's friendly I follow him to the moving box. Exiting the box once more I see Bakugou and Kiri in panic,  my tail starts to wag as I bound up to them jumping on Kirishima giving him kisses. 

"Okami, off of Kirishima!" Bakugou yells at me. Complying with his order I get off him and sulk over to Bakugou.

"Tch, Don't do that again. You worried us" He softens ever so slightly.

"We're just glad you're safe, thanks Tokoyami." Kiri says head swiveling to the non exsitant bird that brought me back.

"We'll just have to thank him later Blasty" he says getting off the floor.

"Tch whatever do what you want" Bakugou retorts following Kirishima into his room. I take one last look into the hall way before walking into the room.

"I'm never going out there by myself again."

Well folks. This chapter stank all because wattpad decided to crash not saving this chapter. Thanks Wattpad love you to. 

Please don't kill me wattpad minor error not much harm done.

The next chapters should be up soon tho so yay! Hadius over for now!

Welp Chio out. Love you all.

p.s. I didn't bother with a lot of editing soo don't mind the errors every wear. :3 

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