Silent cry

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"Mina call for help!"


Kirishima pov

After taking Bakugou to the hospital Mina left after the doctors told us he just fainted from the rapid loss of blood and said he'll be out for a day or two at most. I'm currently sitting outside his room waiting for the nurse to say I can go in.

"God if only I didn't trip then he wouldn't have gotten hurt" I mumble as thoughts run through my head telling me I was pathetic, weak, and so many other things. As they run through my head the nurse come out saying I can see him but visiting hours are coming to an end soon. Thanking her I enter the room to see him sleeping peacefully. Only a few remainders of blood in his hair. And all hell broke lose in my head.

'Damn is he cute when he doesn't have that scowl on his face, wait what no thats not- ok calm down Kiri' taking a breath I gather my rampaging thoughts and even though I know he can't hear me I start speaking.

"Hey, I'm glad to see you're ok bro. Sorry that you got hurt over something as stupid as falling onto gravel, and thank you for catching me." I walk over to him sitting at the foot of his bed "People say you don't care for anyone, so thanks for showing me you care I know you'll be a great hero one day" he remains unmoving, seeing him in a state led me to remember the summer training camp and when he was taken. The thought of not being able to do anything to help brought tears to my eyes. I let them fall onto the sheets smiling making a promise to never be this weak again.

"Next time I swear I will protect you instead, I'll keep you out of places like this for as long as I am able to walk as your equal" taking his hand I give it a gentle squeeze as if to say I'm here. Moments after letting him go the nurse comes in telling me I have to go. Before leaving I ask if I can leave him a note to which she simply handed me a pen and paper. Writing down for him to call me when he can and that I'm sorry for causing him to get hurt I take my leave.

'Bye for now Bakugou get well soon'

Short chapter eh. Not to worry I've got stuff planed that I think you guys may enjoy! I'm also wondering if anyone still likes my stuff if you do leave a little smile face in the coments please. 

:) <-- like this 

Welp my needless rambling aside love you guys Chio out!

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