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Kirishima pov

"Hey! Bakubro what's up man" I yell smiling and waving to the all to familiar ashy blond.

"The sky" he says with the most serious look I've seen on him without him being angry.

"Dude did you just make a joke" I laugh out swinging my arm around his shoulder gaining a few stairs and whispers from the people around us. They think I'm weird

"Yea I did now hurry up we're gonna be late for class" he snaps quickening his pace. But, was it just me or were his ears red? Paying no mind to that I jog after his figure pushing past a few people. Bakugou and I reached the class just before the bell rang thankfully not late. Once it rung a yellow caterpillar crept into the class, this caterpillar being our homeroom teacher.

"Morning class, today we're gonna do an extra class of hero training due to the fact one of us wasn't here when we had our partner test" Aizawa said mono toned wriggling out of his sleeping bag.

"Sir does this mean everyone has to retake the test?" Yaomomo asks.

"No just Bakugou and the person of his choosing. Oh and if the person you pick did poor on the original test they can take the higher score." as he said to Bakugou, mummers broke out.

"I can hear all of you ass holes!" Bakugou yells slamming his hands on his desk as he stands.

"Don't take this the wrong way man, but I think anyone'd take the lower score then be partners with you" Mineta retorts leaning back in his chair. Anger swelled up in me, I clench my hand into a fist so I don't lose it.

"What'd you say you perverted bag of wilted grapes!"

"My point exactly. You lose your cool to fast"

"That's enough out of you Mineta!" I yell gaining stairs from everyone, even Bakugou himself.

"Whoa dude what got into you"

"Nothing got 'into' me Kami I just can't sit idly by as my best friend and hero gets ridiculed for just being true to himself." more murmuring erupts from the crowd, Aizawa sitting with his cup of coffee staring at me with a blank face.

"How's he your hero? Kero"

"Well he has the value's of someone who'll stay them self even if it's being mean to others, he's helped me study, helped all of us strive to be better. Take Uraraka she got so much better after seeing what needed to be improved in herself after her fight with him" people nod in agreement "Then there's when we went with Mina to the festival I was gonna fall and he saved me even with my quirk, he even got hurt doing something so trivial.  So if you banter someone like him who struggles everyday because of the social norm, then you have no right to call yourself a hero" sitting down I take a breath expecting a round of boo's or silence but I'm brought a round of applauds led by Aizawa.

"Now that that's over everyone get into your hero outfits and Bakugou pick a partner for your test"

In the locker room I have an eye on Mineta he gives me glances every so often looking away scared practically shitless. Then before everyone else he's out the changing room.

"Oi weird hair calm down I think you scared the little twat more then I can" Bakugou says as I finish his eyeliner and mask, it still amazes me how it stays on to be honest.

"I know, it's just." sighing I look down in shame

"Dude calm your shit I can't have someone who's so stressed about other things and can't focus on a fight" he says angrily smacking me upside the head.

"Ow! Wait! You mean!" rubbing the spot were he hit me I smile at him.

"Well duh you're the only one that can handle getting caught in my quirk." he starkly responds as we walk up to Aizawa. For some reason a feeling in my chest swells, pride, happiness, love? I don't know but I like this feeling.

"Sir when do I start the test? "

"I take it Kirishima is gonna be your partner?" we both nod "While the rest of the class is with All Might you'll come with me to the fake city's." as we walk I explained what happened during the test when I took it, it was a simple fight and run, beat the bots at the check points then complete the next obstacle.

"Now remember this is a team work test if one of you does the entire thing you both fail so don't fly solo."

"Meh, I guess I'll work with ya. You ready" holding his fist up I give him a fist bump smiling

"Sure am bro!"

"Alright, begin" As we go past bot after bot and obstacle after obstacle we end up getting the second fastest time nine minutes and forty eight seconds.


"Haaa that was so much better then my last test, I got twenty minutes." looking over to Bakugou I see that he has multiple scrapes and bruises but not as many as mine. Tripping I end up falling on my bum gaining a snicker from him.

"Shity hair. Pfft. You ok you look like you got ran over by a truck" giving me his hand I blush slightly, responding with.

"Well I did have one thrown at me" getting up I cringe in pain.

"C'mon you took a rougher beating then me, lets get you patched up" that same soft look from when he was tending to his flowers appears sending my heart into back flips.

What's going on with me

"Alright" following him to Aizawa we tell him we're heading to the nurse to get some band-aids, as we aren't aloud to be healed by Recovery girl unless we can't move a limb or have sever bleeding. 


"Thank man" I say after Bakugou patched up the last cut on my face.

"Yea, whatever take it as a return for taking a truck to the face and patching me up" he says. He's currently in his school uniform and a band-aid here and there maybe six in total. Where as I have them literally everywhere I think I have fifteen maybe twenty in total.

"Haha yea" I smile at him rubbing my nape "Oh hey you free tonight I was thinking we could hang out?"

"No, can't tonight. I have.... Stuff to do for a week or two"

"Oh ok. Well I'll see you around we should go to our next class." I leave him with a small smile. What could he be doing?

Have a good day/night everyone! Chio out!

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