Good Boy's gone bad

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"Bringing some punk chic to your room during class? On the first day?" Harry whispers, winking at me. "Good boy's gone bad."

I punched him on the shoulder. He knew it I hated that term and he knew I wasn't a good boy. He chuckles, rubbing it as he winced. "Dude, you've gotten strong after turning bad."

"Whatever. Bye." I simply replied, guiding Avril out of the room. She gets up with a roll of her eyes and waves to Harry over my head as we walked out. I slammed the door before he could respond.

"Woah, feisty one aren't you?" Avril comments sarcastically and I huffed out, murmuring curses under my breath as I tried to calm myself down.

"We're heading for our next class." She says, leading the way and I followed, slowly calming myself as we exited the dormitory.

As we entered into the 'T' building, we passed by a bunch of people from the 'Videography Department' such as The Finebros, Pewdiepie and NigaHiga. We said hi to each other while Avril continued walking to our next class, being anti-social. I had to catch up with her.

We then entered a room theatre with a bunch of other students and one teacher who stood at the stage area. There were some familiar faces, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and... My eyes widened massively as I immediately hid behind Avril Lavigne, holding her shoulders to keep me steady.

"Don't touch me." She says, gritting her teeth. She removes my grip and starts walking away from me to the teacher, too quickly for me. I froze, looking at Justin Bieber.

He looked at me back, tilted his chin up as he then pointed at me, smirking as he announced to the whole class. "Yo, it's that One Direction kid, Niall!"

Everyone looks to me and gave collective heys and hellos as they waited for me to respond.

"Hi." I said, grinning as I ran a hand through my hair. These people were nicer than I expected.

"Come sit with us!" Justin calls out to me, patting an extra seat next to him. He was at the back with Selena, his hand around her waist.

I was about to go to them when the teacher stops me by calling my name.

"Mr. Horan, please sit with Ms. Lavigne."

There were collective gasp around the classroom and Justin yelled, "Not cool cher, he's still young."

The teacher ignores him and forces me to sit with Avril at the corner of the room, at the tops of the seat.

There were a small row of girls at the front row who constantly looked back at us as if they knew us. None of them ringed a bell.

"Who are they?" I raised an eyebrow, asking Avril.

She looks to me, to the girls, back to me again. She bluntly states. "Super rich Daddy's girl that can afford this place."

My jaw dropped. "But isn't this a-"

"Music school? Yes." She cuts me off, making me shut my mouth. "But these are the money makers for the school. The school pays people like you to come here and they get money off those losers that either want to follow your footsteps or get the chance to see you on a daily basis."

I opened my mouth to say something when she cuts me off again.

"Don't feel bad for them though. They would probably be using the same money to buy useless brands of bags for their miniature poodles or something."

I nodded, closing back my mouth in understanding that this was the end of the subject when she turns on her headphones and music player.

She closes her eyes and I looked around the classroom for recognition, locking eyes with Justin. He mouths a good luck to me and I mouthed back a thanks.

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