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Dark blue ripped jeans got pulled over my hips before I buttoned them. I pulled on a Friends graphic t-shirt before slipping on a pale pink bomber style jacket. My hair had been up in a bun since the night before when I showered so I let it down, letting my natural waves tumble down my shoulders. I fluffed my hair as I switched my part to be a bit to the left. Last thing to put on: white Converse.

I glanced in the mirror, taking double and triple takes at myself.

"Alright Sophia, you can do this. Just think of it as an average date...with an extremely above average man..." I said to myself, attempting to give myself a pep talk. Looking at the clock I realized I had to get moving if I wanted to be there on time.

When I got outside I hailed a cab to take me across the city to where Daveed had told me to meet him. I paid the cabbie before getting out and walking into the restaurant.

My eyes moved slowly around the room, searching for Daveed. I picked him out after a few seconds. As I walked over I gave his outfit a look over; he looked sharp. He had dark dress pants on and a pale blue button up shirt. His signature Afro was pulled back slightly.

As I approached the table he stepped forward.

"It's great to see you again Sophia," he said with a big smile. He opened his arms and pulled me into a tight hug. After a few seconds I backed away slowly.

"You too. I'm really glad we are getting to grab dinner. Thanks for meeting me."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Ah, it's no biggie. I'm in town for a bit, like I said last night, and..." he trailed off for a second. "And I was hoping to get to know you better." I blushed heavily, picking up the menu to partially cover my face.

"Wow...I didn't think I was that interesting," I said softly, offering up self-deprecation to cope with my nerves. Daveed chuckled as he picked up the menu too.

"You're more interesting than you think, trust me." he spoke, winking quickly afterwards.

Once we had decided on our food and drinks, he waved down our waitress and ordered for the both of us. As we waited for the food we kept the conversation going, the awkwardness of the night before completely dissipated. It was very easy to talk to him.

Our food came and we ate and drank as we continued the conversation between bites. The waitress took our food away and we stayed, having another glass of wine each and keeping the conversation going with ease.

"So, is there anything you're into, like a hobby, that many people may not know about?" I asked out of curiosity as I swirled around my last sip of wine in the glass.

He was leaning back and tapping his lip, thinking intently.

"I would say photography." I raised my eyebrow and smiled softly, my wine glass pressed slightly to my lip. "I just dabble in it on the side. I've been travelling a lot lately so it's been hard to keep it up."

"What do you like to photograph?"

"Mostly landscape stuff, I've done some portraits. Mostly just friends on a whim, usually candids." I nodded, listening carefully, finishing my wine in a quick swig.

"Maybe I could shoot you?" He said looking at me from the side and speaking quickly.

I partially gagged on my wine, coughing softly as I set the wine glass down.

"Sorry...you want to shoot me? I'm not exactly model material or very beautiful. I'm about as awkward as a baby penguin." I commented with a soft chuckle.

"Well I just want practice, and if you ask me, you're very beautiful." He said as he leaned over the table, his brown eyes borrowing into mine. I stared back, a small smirk growing on my face as I let my gaze finally fall from his.

"I mean...sure. You twisted my rubber arm." I agreed. A big smile spread on his lips as he returned to his upright position in his chair.

"I'll stop by your place tomorrow? I'm in a hotel so that isn't a very creative space. I'm sure your apartment is nicer, and more comfortable for you."

I nodded in agreement. "Sounds amazing. I'll text you my address. Maybe show up around 10am? I have to be back at the theatre for 3pm tomorrow to do some rehearsals and be ready for the 8pm show."

Daveed confirmed with a nod. "Sounds like a date." I smiled softly, catching his reference to my fumble this morning.

We left shortly after, Daveed insisting on paying the bill. He walked me back out to the sidewalk and hailed me a cab. As the car pulled up he opened the door for me, stopping me as I got in the car. He pulled me into another embrace before letting me get in the car.

"I'll catch you tomorrow, Sophia."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Daveed." 

A/N: Early bird gets the worm! I'm at work an hour before I usually am, so I am powering through getting this published and starting to write a new chapter that is about 4 chapters ahead of this! Hope you enjoy! Feedback is appreciated :) 

And again! As soon as I hit 100 reads I will publish another chapter that day! And trust me! The next chapter is good and maybe a bit steamy ;)

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