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Light creeping through the curtains; seemingly the bane of my existence as this is the second day in a row it has awoken me. I covered my eyes quickly with my hands and groaned, turning to the opposite side, blocking the light from disturbing me further. Peeking through my fingers I saw Daveed sleeping next to me. Instead of freaking out or being panicked by it I felt a wave of content wash over me, a smile pulling at my lips. Last night had been one of the best nights I had ever had. I wanted to keep replaying it in my mind, but why would I when I have him beside me still.

I traced a finger along his bare shoulder, causing him to finch lightly in his sleep. I rolled back over and grabbed my phone, deciding to scroll through it while I waited for him to wake up. My phone had only a few notifications on it, most being texts from Hannah and Steph.

I opened the one from Hannah first. It contained a link to TMZ and was attached to a text that said "you may want to see this". I wasn't one for following celebrity news, so I have no clue why Hannah would expect me to care about whatever it is she sent me. I obliged and opened it. Once the page opened my jaw fell open and my face went pale.

I had never expected in my career, which I considered small and not as important as others, to be on a tabloid or celebrity gossip column. Yet, there I was. A picture topped the article. A picture of Daveed and I leaving LAX the other night. Below the picture was the title "Daveed Diggs catching a new bae?". I skimmed the article quickly, seeing that there was now leads into who I was, including my name and references back to the photo Daveed had posted on Instagram.

I didn't know how to react. Should I be mad that I felt like my privacy was invaded? Embarrassed that I let this happen and that they assumed Daveed and I were dating? Or should the dating bit make me happy? Wait...would he be mad? Or would he be okay with it? It is just speculation after all...

I stood up from the bed slowly, as not to disturb Daveed, and made my way to my suitcase in the spare room. I put on my French bulldog pajamas from the day before, since I didn't want to walk around Daveed's apartment completely in the nude.

My phone then started to vibrate, the caller ID revealing it was my mother.

"Hey Mom," I answered quietly as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Sophia, why didn't you tell me you have a famous boyfriend?" her voice echoed through the phone, full of betrayal. I groaned in response and placed a hand over my face.

"Mom. We are not dating. I am just visiting with him."

"Well, from the photos your uncle sent me it looks like you two are cozy." She responded; the annoyance elevated in her voice.

"What photos?" I assumed she was referring to the TMZ article, but how were we 'cozy' if we were simply walking beside one another?

"Oh, I'll send them to you." I waited as she took her time texting me the photos. I opened her message and looked at the photos.

"Oh what the fuck." I said as I face-palmed over the newly emerged photos.

"Sophia Lily! Do not speak like that!" my mother reprimanded as I continued to look at the photos.

These new pictures were taken from last night, as we were leaving the bar where Rafa and Daveed had performed. Daveed and I were holding hands and walking to the Uber in one photo, in the other he was planting a kiss onto my cheek as I laughed. Neither of us had even noticed the camera flashes or the presence of any paparazzi. Then it dawned on me that this could have been literally anyone, as long as they had a phone with a camera.

"I'm sorry Mom. I just...I didn't know this was going to happen. But we are NOT dating." I tried to relay as I looked to the hall and saw Daveed making his way to the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

"Mom, I'll call you back later okay? I love you." I hung up the phone quickly and put it down, trying to offer up a smile to Daveed.

"An early morning phone call from your mom, huh?" he asked as he opened the fridge. He pulled out orange juice and poured us each a glass.

"Yeah. She is always so paranoid that I am trying to leave her out of my life. She got sent pictures of you and I..." I trailed off before taking a sip of from my glass.

"Us? Where?" he asked, giving me a curious look.

I went back on my phone and showed him the article Hannah had sent me and the photos my uncle had passed on to my mother. Daveed's face was very neutrally set, not conveying any emotions.

"So...I'm sorry that taking me here has put rumours out that you have a girlfriend now." I said softly as I stroked his forearm. He turned to me and shook his head.

"Nah, this stuff doesn't bother me. It's all here-say. We know what we are and that is all that should matter." He pulled me into a hug and I sighed with relief. "They will print anything to make some money, even if that means making up phony relationships that may never happen." At that statement I felt a pang in my heart. Come on Sophia, you knew going into this that it may not work so stop getting your hopes up. I shook those thoughts from my head, wanting to enjoy what time I had left in LA. It was now Monday, and I left early Tuesday morning to allow me some rest time before I had to be back to performing.

"Now, what did you want to do today? You only have this whole day left here." I pouted up at him for bringing up just what I was thinking.

"I would like to get lunch somewhere unique, something we don't have in Detroit. And could we possibly go to the Hollywood sign? I'm attempting to be touristy after all."

Daveed nodded his head to all my suggestions.

"Whatever your heart desires." He whispered as he kissed my hair softly. "Now, let's get dressed and get this show on the road!"

He let me out of the hug and turned me back toward the bedroom, giving me a playful smack on the ass as we walked. I tossed a glance over my shoulder and winked at him.

I could get used to this...but maybe I shouldn't...

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