Chapter 1 - Worlds apart

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Dianne's POV:

"Bye babe have a great day!" I heard Anthony shout from the kitchen.

"Love you - i'll see ya later!" I yelled back as I left our apartment. I hated having to be away from Anthony for so long whilst Strictly was on. As much as I love the show and everything that it comes with, I will always miss being able to spend a full day with Ant just chilling and not really thinking about anything. At least I get him in the evenings and on Sundays for the next 3 weeks, but after that he has to go back up to Manchester to film. I mean I get that it's his job but it really fucking sucks sometimes.

I walked down the stairs of my apartment, and into the warm London air. To say that I missed Australia and my family was an understatement, however nothing beats the buzz that I get from living and working in one of the best cities in the world. I'ts quite literally as far away as you can get from how I grew up - running about on a beach in the middle of nowhere.  I got into the Uber that I ordered, feeling a rush of excitement run over me as the Driver took me to a studio about 10 minutes away from Elstree. Today was the kick off for Strictly 2018, and I couldn't be more excited to meet the celebs for the first time. I'd looked through the list of male celebs briefly last night and I only recognised 2 of them. The other 5 I didn't have a clue about who they were or what they really did.

I continued looking out the window of the Uber as we drove through the busy streets of London. I let everything wash over me, a huge smile on my face as I thought about how lucky I was to have a great job - a great boyfriend and a life that I loved. I mean I obviously have my issues, we all do but right now those issues didn't matter. The car suddenly stopped outside the dance studio. I thanked the driver and got out.

As I walked into the large hall we would be rehearsing in for the next 5 hours or so, I was greeted by a group of familiar smiling faces.

"DIANNE!!!" Amy screamed as I dropped my bag and coat where everyone else had dropped theirs. She came rushing over to me and gave me a huge hug, followed by some of the other girls. Katya - Oti - Janette and Karen. "You alright girls?" I asked as I was surrounded by nods and a few positive replies.

"Oh my god Di have looked at the list of celebs yet?" Janette asked me with a hopeful glint in her eye.

"I've had a quick look at the male celebs but not properly no, why?" I asked slightly confused as to why she was so pent up about it.

"let me just say that two of them are like... WOW. I mean don't tell Alijaz this but OH MY GOD WOW" Janette said a little to enthusiastically. I couldn't help but laugh at that. That's one of the many reasons I love this job - the people I get to do it with are some of the funniest and most talented people in the world.

"I'm not to sure about that though Janette," Katya said in a reply "I mean there's one of the guys - a comedian I think - and all I'm saying is that it would take me at least 20 shots before I would even consider making out with him." As she said this she looked around quickly to make sure that Neil didn't hear her say that. 

"Speaking of guys Dianne, how's Anthony?" Amy asked in an inquisitive tone of voice

"So good, I mean I don't want to speak to soon, but I think he might be the one..." I said before being cut off by one of the Strictly producers. He ordered us to stand in a specific order in front of a huge red curtain. I could only assume that the celebs for this year were stood behind it other wise this was a huge waste of time.

We stood their in silence and in anticipation, I could here Tess and Claude speaking on the other side of the curtain to the celebs. I did a quick final check of my hair to make sure that I didn't look a complete mess for the celebs. 

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