Chapter 3 - First steps

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Dianne's POV:

"5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3  - Hold." I shouted over the music playing in the studio. I tell you what, I'm really impressed with how well Joe is coping with all of this. If my strictly experience from last year is to anything to go by, then I certainly didn't expect a celeb to be this good on their first ever try at dancing. I always had a feeling that Joe might be alright at moving his body, but I no idea that he would be able to pick up and remember all the steps this well.

"How was that Dianne?" Joe asked me nervously. He's honestly the cutest when he asks me that. He's so quiet and shy yet you can tell that he wants to do well at this. 

"It was good. Just watch that you don't go out of time on that last bit though." I said being completely honest with him.

"Shit. I'm sorry bout this." Joe said looking at the floor. Kicking his heel into the wooden dance floor of the studio we're in. He looked properly disappointed in himself, and even slightly pissed off as he looked down to the floor.

"Joe, listen to me, you don't need to be sorry at all. This is you're first day ever at dancing, and already I am so impressed. I didn't expect to already be going through the routine at this standard after only 4 hours. Trust me you're doing so well already." I said giving him a sweet smile. He looked up and gave me a half smile on one side of his face. His hair was now a complete mess and was over a large portion of his forehead. Usually hair on a guy did nothing for me, but Joe was slightly different. His hair gently flopping about over his forehead, resting above his perfectly blue eyes. In all honesty it was just so frickin hot. 'OH MY GOD DI - PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!' I yelled to myself to stop myself from thinking about Joe like that. I have Anthony at home right now and I love him so much. I mean I guess Joe is attractive, but I don't think about him like that. I mean this is a professional friendship between us for the show.

I realised that I had been in silence for a while now, and an awkward silence was filling the studio. "Take a rest Joe, I just need to make a phone call real quick." I said to him as I walked over to the speaker system and unplugged my phone. I briskly walked out of the studio and sat down on a chair out in the corridor. I scrolled through my contacts and dialled the number.


A: Hey babe what's up

D: Hey Ant, I was just checking in to see how you're doing?

A: Yeah I'm absolutely fine - How's rehearsals going with - with - what's your partner called again?

D: Joe -  Yeah things are going well. I mean for his first 4 hours of training ever, I'm surprised as to how well he is doing   

A: That's great Di, I mean after last season I think it's about time you deserve to be with someone who can actually dance with you for more than 3 weeks

D: Hey don't knock Revvo like that, he tried!

A: I'm sorry babe, but you can't say that you don't want to get at least a little further this year can you

D: Fair enough

A: Listen I have to go but I have a surprise for later, so don't be late back form training yeah - I love you

D: I love you too

Back to Dianne's POV:

I hung up the phone allowing a smile to come back onto my face. That phone call was exactly what I needed to remind me of why I love Anthony. He was the perfect guy for me and I new in that moment that I definitely didn't feel anything for Joe. I may have got butterflies speaking to Joe, but after 10 months, I still can't go a moment without thinking about Ant and allowing a smile to come back to my face.

Joe and Dianne: Dancing is better with youWhere stories live. Discover now