Chapter 7 - The story

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Joe's POV:

"Nope that's wrong Joe." Dianne said for about the 5th time today over the music. We had one day left to learn this Charleston and right now I feel in no way prepared for Saturday night. And by the constant facial expression on Dianne's face this morning, she knew it as well. Rolling my eyes ever so slightly I got back to my starting position whilst Dianne re-set the music. 

"Fucks sake Joe, have you forgotten everything about this dance!" Dianne yelled at me as I put a foot wrong once again.

"I'm sorry Dianne I'm trying but it's difficult you know. I'm not used to this, I'm not a dancer." I said back to her in my defence. The moment the words came out of my mouth I regretted my decision. Dianne gave me her best death stare and slowly walked towards me. Although Dianne was short and always had a smile on her face, right now I don't think I have ever been more scared of anyone in my entire life.

"Well I am a dancer Joe - I have been training my entire life for this - so could you do me a favour and just suck it up, pay attention and not make this a complete waste of time. Is that at all possible or do you want us to go out the first week?" The death stare only got more intense and more terrifying as Dianne's speech went on. I didn't know what to say so I attempted to bring a smile to my face and nodded back to her.

The next run through I put in everything I had, I listened to the music and remembered everything I had to do within this routine. Perfectly.

"Thank fuck for that!" Dianne rejoiced when the song finished. "See you can do it Joe, you are a dancer and tough love seems to have worked on you." Dianne half chuckled half moaned as a small smile reappeared on her face for a moment, but something wasn't quite right. It was half one so Dianne and I took a break and had some lunch - as we sat and ate there was an awkward silence between Dianne that took centre stage in the room. This had never happened between us and it was mildly disconcerting to say the least. 

I looked over to see my usually cheery dance partner sitting on the floor, her legs crossed and a blank expression across her delicate features. She was nervously nibbling on the plastic fork she was using for her lunch. I attempted to break the silence between us. Attempted being the key word.

"I'm sorry for messing up earlier Di. We all good?" I questioned hoping that I wasn't the reason that she was being so disconcertingly quiet today.

"Of course we are Joe and It's all good - you're new to this and I shouldn't have been so tough on you I'm sorry" She replied quickly before going back to staring into distance with a blank expression. It was as if she was in deep thought about something - but this wasn't Dianne's choreography thought face, for that she always nervously nibbles on her thumb nail - this was a different type of thought, one that I didn't trust. 

"Dianne is everything okay? Not going to lie but you're kind of freaking me out with... this." I said gesturing to her entire persona for the day.

"I want to talk to you about it Joe but not right now" 

"Okay well after training why don't you come back to mine, we can grab some food on the way back and then if you want to we can talk whatever it is out." I said sweetly hoping that she didn't think I was flirting with her because I wasn't. I was just doing what any good person would do. I was just caring for someone who I care about,

Dianne's POV:

'SHIT, SHIT, SHIT! WHY THE FUCK DID I TELL HIM THAT!' I don't want to tell Joe about what happened between Anthony and I . I mean not yet any way. I only broke up with him yesterday and I still don't know If I feel anything for Joe.

Joe and Dianne: Dancing is better with youWhere stories live. Discover now