Chapter 11 - Not my guy

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Stacey's POV:

"Take a break Stace, we can pick this Jive up after some lunch yeah." Kevin thankfully said - finally.

"I tell ya what Kev - this dancing shit is no joke, I'm sweating buckets over here." I said honestly to Kevin, I was always a bit quirky - I understood that - but there was genuinely nothing that I was afraid to say in front of the man from Grimsby, because deep down I knew he was just as weird as I was.

"I'll remember to tell my parents that so they know that I'm not wasting my time." He chuckled gleefully back to me.

"Do you know if anyone else is training in here kev, I feel like goin for a walk?" I questioned hoping that I wouldn't have to spend the next 5 hours of my life in these same four walls.

"Yeah I think Charles and Karen are down the hall and Joe and Dianne are upstairs."

'Thank fuck for that' I rejoiced in my head. I hadn't spoken to Joe in a few days now, and even then the last time we spoke was quite awkward and something seemed off with him. It definitely wasn't just like nerves from the show, this was something deep set. I wanted to make sure that he was okay for several reasons, firstly he is the kindest and most charming boy I have ever met, and I have met my fair share of people. Secondly I am so smitten for that boy I just want to hold him, and have me hold him - I don't just want him to care for me, I want him to be my guy.

If he hadn't blown me off after the show last week, I was hoping that maybe I could see if he's with anyone, which I'm pretty certain he isn't, and maybe ask him if he wanted to grab a bite to eat or catch a movie or something on Sunday.

I'm probably pushing my bets - I don't know why he would want to go out with me. He's so perfect and so dreamy - and I'm so... y'know.... meh.

I told Kevin I was leaving for a few moments and headed down the corridor and up the stairs. There were several large studios on the first floor so I slowly walked down looking through the large panels within the heavy wooden doors. 

The first few were either empty or filled with fitness classes. One of which held a particularly angry man screaming at a punching bag - 'I mean you do you' I thought to myself as I spent a good few seconds questioning what the fuck he was doing.

Eventually I walked up to a door with a reddish hue coming from the corners. I looked through the glass panel to find two familiar people, and to find my heart simultaneously drop through my body and also get lodged in my throat.

I looked through the glass window to see a skinny - yet strong and muscular - boy holding a dainty woman close to his body. Her arms were wrapped around his long and slender neck and his arms wrapped around her waist. Their foreheads close and their lips moving in unison. Pressed to each others in a passionate kiss.

I instinctively ran back down the corridor. I didn't know whether to run back to Kevin and gossip to my hearts content about what I had just seen - or storm back into that room, break them apart and carry on trying to get Joe to fall into my arms.

My brain was conflicted - my heart was broken yet amazed at the same time. I sat on the top step of the stairs and put my head in my hands. I was so conflicted within myself that I sat half way between my two options. I allowed tears to barrel down my face.

It made me realise the mistake I had made - I broke up with my boyfriend in the hope of getting someone special. But he found someone else, and it's fair to say that now, Joe will never be my guy. 

Dianne's POV:

"Wait Joe are you sure?" I had to break from our kiss - I mean don't get me wrong this was everything that I had wanted from Joe for the last 2 weeks. It may not seem like a long time to anyone else, but to me those two weeks were tormentingly, agonisingly slow. I hated the fact that I couldn't be with Joe. But now that I have my body pressed flush against his, my hands wrapped around his slender, sexy neck and my lips passionately moving with his, I couldn't help but wonder if it was all a mistake.

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