Chapter 24 - New beginings

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Dianne's POV:

It was Wednesday afternoon during the final week of the competition - despite everyone's thoughts and expectations - including my own in all honesty - Joe and I had made it into the final of Strictly Come Dancing 2018. It had been stressful for the both of us over the past few weeks given the circumstances, but as always, there is never any rest for the wicked.

This week has been a whirlwind of emotions, but today was bound to be tough for the both of us. Joe and I weren't going to start rehearsals today until 2 pm for several reasons. Firstly I had pro rehearsals for the weekend this morning, and secondly Joe had to go to his Nans funeral early this morning in Wiltshire. I had tried to be there for him as much as I could since the night we found out about his nans passing . I knew just how much Joe loved and cared for his Nan, he proved that in week 9 at Blackpool, and I also knew just how much of a shock her passing was for everyone in the family. I offered to go to the funeral with him this morning to support him, but he knew that me having to skip pro rehearsals wasn't an option and that also if I was there with him, he would feel guilty for dragging me all the way down to a depressing event in Wiltshire just for him. At first that seemed ridiculous to me, because I would literally do anything for him no matter the repercussions - but I knew that my presence there would in no way make it easier for Joe so I let him go on his own.

I finished setting up the music for our Show dance and sat on a chair in the corner of the room to wait for Joe. He sent me a text about 5 minutes ago, saying he was 2 minutes away.... I mean 3 minutes late is pretty good for Joe. Just as I thought about sending him a text to double check he was still on his way, I saw a short man walk through the door, hair swept over in a rough mess, and backpack slung over his shoulder wearing what can only be described as the most attractive suit ever.

His suit jacket was in his arms, yet a tight fitting waistcoat matching his dark blue suit trousers were making him seem ridiculously fit. I'd seen it a couple of times at different occasions - such as pride of Britain and also at a fancy dinner we had to have with the cast and crew once, but Joe in a suit did things to me that I can't begin to explain. I found myself staring at his suited figure as he stood in front of me.

"DIANNE!" He shouted taking me out of my trance

"Huh?" I questioned as I focused again and looked up to his face rather than at his body.

"You were staring and in a complete world of your own - you okay?" He questioned fully knowing why I was looking at him like that.

"Yeah - I am now." I said with a cheeky grin. Joe gave a slight chuckle before he moved over next to me, he gave me a hug and a quick kiss before settling down and beginning to get changed into some clothes he could train in. "How was the funeral?" I asked concerned.

"It was nice - I obviously cried my frickin eyes out half way through but all in all it made me realise just how happy I am."

"You know that you're not really meant to be feeling that way at a funeral." I chuckled - thankfully seeing the funny side, Joe began to laugh as well.

"I know that but...." He paused to take of his shirt and replace it with a t-shirt - as he unbuttoned his shirt, his newly hardened abs were on full show, it took all of my will power and more to not look at them, but instead pay attention to what he was saying to me. "But it just made me realise how good my life has been recently. The last words my Nan ever said to me was that she loved me and that she was proud of me.... I mean, you can't get much better than that can you." As Joe sat down and finished doing up his ballroom shoes he looked me in the eyes and held both of my hands into his. I felt myself once again getting lost in his eyes, but I stayed put - listening intently. "Also... I know that this competition has been effected by so many different factors and that the amount of stress it has put you through is frankly enough for anyone's life time. But from my point of view I couldn't ask for it any other way. Because if I had never made the bat shit crazy decision to agree to go onto this show then I would have never met the woman of my dreams and I wouldn't be sitting here now in the final with the most talented, beautiful, astonishing woman I have ever had the privileged of being with. But more importantly I wouldn't be sat here in love for the first time in my life.And that is all down to you Dianne. So thank you."

Joe and Dianne: Dancing is better with youWhere stories live. Discover now