Chapter 13 - Where were we?

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A/N Hey people! Just very quickly I want to apologise for how long it has been since I have posted anything. Because of my GCSE's I have been focusing on those, but now that I have 11 days off from exams I will try my hardest to get out 4 or 5 more parts out whilst I can. Thank you for your patience. Let's get on with it !!

Dianne's POV:

"Right you're all done babes" Liv said as she finished up with my make up for this weeks routine. Week 5 of Strictly 2018 and I can still not get over the fact that I am here. Getting further than last year was already an achievement in my eyes, but to do it with Joe was just a dream. 

"Thanks Liv" I smiled back at her as I got out of the chair to let Janette get her make up done. "All yours" I said politely to the short, bubbly woman who could always put a smile on my face.

"Is that what you said to Joe last night?" Janette quipped back making both herself and Liv burst into fits of laughter. Ever since I had mentioned to them that I liked Joe, they had been nothing but the perfect friends to me by making fun of me for the past 4 weeks. I mean what else are good friends for? I guess.... 

" Har-Har- very funny" I replied back to them sarcastically. I walked out of the makeup room and headed down the many corridors of Elstree towards Joe's dressing room. Truth be told, I had had the best week with Joe. Despite the stressful and ...lets call it .... mildly unsuccessful week of training with Joe, everything between us has never been better. After our 'activities' a few nights ago, Joe had been the perfect partner both on and off of the dance floor. He was so kind and so caring I couldn't even begin to think about the possibilities I could end up having with this boy.

I eventually turned up to his dressing room door and knocked once before entering. He was sat there with a stressed look on his face - with no top on allowing me to gawk at his perfect body. He looked up to me, instantly allowing his facial expressions to soften. He gave me a warm smile as he stood up off of the sofa and walked towards me.

"Hey you" He said giving me a charming look in his deep blue eyes. 

"Hey you" I replied as his body came closer to my own. I put my arms around his long neck and deepened my smile, looking lovingly into his eyes, as he looked into mine.

"There aren't any cameras in this dressing room are there?" Joe questioned, making me look at him with nothing but confusion.

"I don't think so" I said honestly.... yet still really fucking confused. "How come?"

Joe gave me a smirk before he opened his moth to speak. "Because that then means I can do this..." Before I had a chance to reply, Joe smashed his soft lips onto my own. Even though within the past week Joe and I had kissed loads of times, his touch could spend sparks flying all around my body. A single touch of the soft pads of his delicate fingertips left trails of goosebumps all across my skin. A single kiss on my forehead left me feeling giddy with joy, and  feeling Joe's strong arms wrapped around me in a delicate hug made me feel like I had everything I would ever need until the day that I died.

Eventually Joe pulled away from me and looked me back in the eyes. I shied my face away from him in an attempt to hide the massive smile that had taken residence on my face. I felt Joe's delicate fingers lift up my chin so that I could see him.

"Don't hide that smile from me Dianne - You are the most beautiful thing on this planet and I can't believe that I get to be with you." Joe's kind words made me blush big time. I looked at him coyly before trying to move on with the reason I had actually come to see Joe.

"How are you feeling after earlier?"

Joe's POV:

'Shit...' I thought to myself. I was hoping that Dianne didn't want to talk about what happened in the dress run. It's fair to say that I didn't just fuck it up, I fuuuuucked it up massively. I turned away from Dianne allowing my smile to fall as the stress I felt before she entered the room came back. 

Joe and Dianne: Dancing is better with youWhere stories live. Discover now