Chapter 14 - The aftermath

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Joe's POV: 

I looked at myself in the mirror of my downstairs bathroom. I can't get over the fact that I was hit in the face by some random donny with - I must admit - a killer right hook. I heard Dianne chuckling slightly from behind me in the doorway.

"This isn't funny Di, I look like I've been hit in the face by Popeye!" I exclaimed back to the giggling red head. Dianne paused and looked at me through the mirror confused.

"Who the fuck is that?" She questioned

"Don't worry..." I said with a sighed chuckle. "Seriously though, why the fuck did he punch me - did you see anything?" I questioned hoping that Diannes sober brain could do me a favour and actually help me wrap my head around this bizarre night.

"Um... Not really - He just sort of came in and was looking around at us all - then you stopped flirting with me in a public place even though we said we would keep it a secret and I couldn't see him anymore." I nodded along to what she was saying before heading out of the bathroom into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of red wine and a second for Dianne - handing it to her

"Well I don't know about you, but I could definitely do with a few glasses of this stuff and watching a film. Sound good to you?" I questioned as I walked round to Dianne and placed my arms around her waist from behind. I bent down and placed a soft kiss on hr forehead.

"Sounds perfect." Dianne replied sweetly. We settled on the sofa, Dianne leaning on my chest, with one of my arms wrapped around her comfortingly. I wasn't really bothered by what happened earlier. In my mind I think that whoever that gut was that punched me has got what he needed from it - and in my case I was left with a bruised face and about as much care for drunk people as I do for 3 day old road kill. I'd rather leave it.

However, as I sat here with Dianne in my arms, allowing a film to wash over both of us, I could tell that she wasn't alright abut this. I could tell that she wanted to know more.

Dianne's POV:

I stayed settled in Joe's comforting - strong arms. There wasn't anything that this boy could do to make me feel on edge but right now I have never felt more concerned in my entire life. I couldn't get the image of Joe on the floor of that club out of my head. I pictured the guys face and tried my very hardest to try and remember if I knew him from somewhere before. But to no avail did anything come to my tired and weary head. 

There was just one question that I couldn't get out of my head.

'Why? Why would someone have any reason to punch Joe?' I felt like I had to ask him something in case there was something that he wasn't telling me. Something that I should know If I can start to go out with him properly. I just had to ask him - if not for his safety, but then for my own piece of mind. I lent out of Joe's grip and reached for the TV remote, pausing the film before I shuffled away from Joe and looked him in the eyes directly.

"You okay Di?" He questioned me sweetly .

"I just have to ask you this Joe - I want you to be honest with me." I looked him dead in the eyes. He shuffled in his seat and sat up properly. He looked me dead in the eyes, and I felt my heart go a flutter. This boy was bound to be the death of me, and there is no way I can back out of a relationship with him now. At least I don't think I could.

"Can you think of any reason as to why that guy might have punched you. Like anything you might have done to piss anyone off. "

"Such as?" Joe questioned.

"I don't know maybe think of a joke you might have told someone that pissed them off?" I said hoping that I may be able to spark something in his brain.

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