Chapter 15

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Timestopper roared and thrashed as she burned slowly to her death. Vein just watched her firmly, though Blizzard seemed . . . well, like a murderer. Vein noticed that she was trying to reach something.

Vein walked towards it, but it was too late.

Timestopper, threw herself at the cabinet, smashing through it before she turned black with heated blood pouring out. Vein realized at once what it was, and called---more like yelled---to Blizzard.

"Why do we have explosives?" 

Blizzard shrugged sheepishly. "I don't know, but we gotta get out of here FAST!"

Blizzard bolted through the hole, with Vein trailing behind him. They were too slow, though, and they were just a few minutes away from the hole when the top of the roof blew up. A wave a fire and heat swept through the island, causing the nearest trees to catch fire. Blizzard muttered something under his breath, and suddenly a huge coastal wave swept through the island, killing out fire instantly. The water smashed into the building, making it collapse even more. The left side was bad enough already, but the water completely made it collapse. The whole building went down, and Vein saw a TimeWing flapping furiously away from the building. The explosion, though, from the other side still was strong enough to throw Blizzard and Vein off balance. He struggled to right his wings, because unlike Blizzard, if he plunged into the water, he'd die.

Blizzard went down under Vein to stay close to the water as the smoke poured from the building. Vein wondered about this until Blizzard called to him. "Vein! Stay close to the water!"

Vein soared down to Blizzard, his big wings causing masses of water spraying away from him in every direction. "Why are we down here?"

"Well, the smoke, first of all, will most likely reach over the island and out into the ocean, so we'll suffocate if we're in the polluted air. By the ocean, it's humid enough for the smoke to dissipate if it came." Blizzard explained.

"All right, makes sence . . ." Vein said.

He and Blizzard flew through the sky, close to the ocean, and Vein noticed the mini islands where, deep under, the mysterious CoralFins were. Vein shivered. His sister had killed on before, and his corpse didn't look pretty. He wondered if the CoralFins were furious about that. Also as to that, CoralFins don't have wings, earning them the "Fins" part.

"So, Blizzard. How will we be able to disable Marble's power?"

Blizzard leaped to the point instead of making sure Vein wasn't just using him. "Well, we'll need one dragon from each time. Me for TimeWings, and you for BloodWings."

Vein frowned. "Won't we need a CoralFin?"

Blizzard grimaced. "Yeah, we will. I don't know how we'll be able to get one, though."

"Hmm . . . how long will disabling take?" Vein asked.

"Well, it depends. If we got them pretty fast, we'd be able to get to Marble and disable her by a few weeks, which isn't going to kill a CoralFin."

"Great!" Vein beamed. "Now, let's go get our future dragon friends!"

"Wow, Vein. You really seem upbeat for friends, eh?" Blizzard grinned. 

"Uh, never mind that. Let's get the tribes!"

"That's not much better, but oh well," Blizzard mumbled.

And together, they flew to the coast of Grinnen.

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