Ch.3 "Hey Roommie"

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"Oh my god.....What the hell?" I looked around the room it's a whole mess.

"Oh hey are you my new roommate?" a messy looking girl with a dark short hair, short, skinny I mean she's pretty but she would look prettier if she cleaned herself up.

"Apparently, What's up with this whole mess?" I asked annoyed. I hate messiness I mean I'm not a clean freak I just can't stand to be in a messy room.

"Oh I was just looking for gum" She answered while itching the back of her neck. Is she kidding?

"Okay I see well, I haven't introduced myself yet I'm bethany" I kindly lean my hand to her for a shake.

"Hi my parents named me Samantha and I fucking hate it so just call me Sam" She shook my hand tightly.

I don't like her tone at all. I bet she's one of those kind of girls who just drinks and go to parties and sleeps around. But I'm not here to judge.

Then she went back looking for her "gum" neglecting my existence "Um do you know when the classes start?" I said trying to get back her attention.

She laughed "No I don't even have schedule" she said giving me her back, What? I don't think I can live with careless messy student. I'm still not judging, or maybe I am because it's true.

"Well I'm gonna head back to the reception to get a schedule, Do you want one?" I sweetly ask.

"Nah I'm good" She asnwered still messing around in the room. Well good because I didn't wanna bring her one after all.

I went to down and saw my friend Christina I smiled and waved "Hey christina"

"Oh hey dear......What was your name again?" She asked then twitched her eyes. My smiled disappeared, She doesn't remember my name? Well she's old and stuff. I get it.

"Bethany" I awkwardly answer. "Um can I have a schedule for my classes please?"

"Yeah here you go Bethany" She stated then she winked at me. That was weird.

"Thanks and there's one other thing, Is there by far any chance that I could move into a diffrent dorm? I'm not agreeable with my roommate" I asked praying for a yes.

"Aw I'm sorry to tell you this sweetie but there aren't any, But I'm sure you girls are gonna work it out" I frowned I doubt it.

"Well thanks again" We goodbyed and I went back to my dorm.

I walked and saw her sitting in the mess "Hey have you found your gum yet?" I asked glaring at my schedule.

"No I just realized that I didn't bring any gum" She huffed. Am I supposed to feel bad?

"Well you need to clean because I need to unpack and this mess is just distracting me" I'm thinking of going and exploring this beautiful collage before unpacking.

She didn't answer.

"please?" Why am I so nice sometimes?

"Okay you're my sixth roommate, So I'm gonna clean this up for you" She faked a smile. Wait, go back, Sixth?

"What? What do you mean?" I said shocked.

"Well my other roommates got kicked out and I don't know and I don't care" She said looking down at her hands carelessly. I guess they were worse then her. understood.

"Um I don't know how to answer that" I said with a nervous laugh "But I'm gonna go take a walk in the collage I'll be back in 20 minutes probably"

"Whatever" She said with a ignorant face. Then I left her.

Hmm I have a feeling that she doesn't like me too.

I'm so excited, for the projects, my new teachers and classes, Everything is gonna be perfect and nothing is going to ruin not even Sam.

Then I thought of my parents I miss them so much and It's my first day here, Everything reminds me of them. But I should be counting on myself for now and making my own pancakes.

I suddenly tripped. Really hard. And fell on my face.

I growned in pain and there was a guy came running towards me "Are you alright? You fell really hard" He said sounding really censored and looking unbelievably attractive. Wow.

Hello gorgeous, Quick think of something to say Bethany.

"Oh I didn't fell, The floor looked like it needed a hug" Niceeee.

He laughed "Strange excuse, Here let me help you up" He gave me his hand and I gladly accepted it.

I thanked him, "What's your name?" He asked and smiled. His smile is so dreamy.

"I'm Bethany" I smiled back shaking his hand. "pleasure to meet you I'm Jason"

Even his name is hot, He's tall guy with a brown hair and eyes like chocolate, He has a good looking body too he seems like a nice guy, Ugh can he like be MY roommate?

"Yeah I'm new here and I was just looking around" I explained to him.

He nodded and said "Great, How do you think so far?"

"Loving it" I said "Too bad I have to go I'd love to show you around more" He told me then smiled a sad but cute smile.

"Aw It's okay maybe another time" I said tapping his shoulder and giggled.

"Of course see you later Bethany" He smiled again and walked away. I sighed he might be my new crush now.


It's time to go back to my dorm and that girl better cleand it. And when I went in it was actually clean but Sam was nowhere to be seen I felt relieved. I don't want to hear her crap but I should nicer we might be friends oneday. Might.

Tomorrow is my first class and I feel like getting something done today, So I'm just gonna sit here until the feeling passes.

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