Ch.6 "The Feels"

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Bethany hart to the right ;))


Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living? 


Hello, This is the part where I'm stunned as hell because Sam basically owns building.

Jason confusedly chuckled "Yeah, Didn't she tell you?" "No I did not know this information" I said surprised, So that's why she've been acting so bitchy to everyone, Who does she think she is? Oh right. And I continued "I think I'm gonna head back to my dorm I'm kind of tired" I told him and left without hearing his answer.

I still don't get why we dislike each other. I never meant to start a war I just wanted her to let me in, Yes I just used some of Miley Cyrus song lyircs because a different lyric organized around a distinct, is intense emotion.

I walked in my dorm and I didn't find Sam so I just lied in my bed and relaxed. Every time I lay on my bed I think 'Why didn't I do this sooner?' 

I'm no cactus expert, But I know a prick when I see one, But I wonder where she is?

'Stop thinking about Sam' Alright I'mma think about something else.


Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering 'it will be happier' It's so worth fighting for, Because maybe everyone can live beyond what they're capable of. 

I dream to give myself infinite hope and my inifinte hope will never stops. My favorite writer once worte 'Some infinities are bigger than other infinities'

Suddenly Sam burst in interrupting my infinite thoughts without saying Hi or anything.

"Well hello to you too" I said sarcastically "What do you want?" Sam said annoyingly.

"Just trying to be friends" I said but she didn't answer.

Try again Beth.

"Collage is hard" I whined to see if she gonna ignore me again.

"Collage is fun as long as you don't die" Sam corrected. I laughed "Says you, Your dad practically owns this place" 

"Who told you that?" Sam slammed her closet and came to me. Wow. Was I not suppose to know that? Ops. "Jason did" I answered her. 

"That idiot" Sam huffed and went back to her bed. He is not an idiot! "No I think he's pretty cute" I blushed, I didn't want to tell anyone that, Not even Sam 

I guess we're getting along.

"Do you have a thing for him or something?" Sam smirked at me. "Uhm kind of, He've been all nice to me and all" I shurgged trying to get out of this subject. If Jason finds out I'm dead. It will completely ruin our friendship and make it  awkward.

"This is great we're finally talking without fightin..." Sam cutted me off by saying "How long?"

"How long what?" I was disconcerted, Why is she all of the sudden interested? "How long you've been liking him" 

"Not long enough, Can we drop it now?" I said with a strict voice.

"Alright easy tiger. Anyways there's a party tonight wanna come?" Sam asked me.... To a party, This is so soon should I even go? 

"Ehh I don't think if I should go, I'm not much of a party girl" I confessed.

"Fine I'm not going to beg, But the next party you have to come, Deal?" 

Well I can't say no "Yeah definitely" We smiled at each other. This is weird we're getting along but it still doesn't feel right.

I got out of the dorm to check on Jason, He was still in the cafeteria studying and eating at the same time. Do you know the feeling when you see your food coming at a restaurant? That's the same feeling I feel when I see Jason. Sigh.

Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.

If only...

"Hey why are you still studying, it's like 9 pm now?" I giggled at him. He raised his eyes when he saw me "I'm about to finish, Do you want to go outside with me? The weather is beauteous" 

Did he just asked me out? I have a strong feeling that he likes me, Maybe deep down. "I'm sure it is, I'd like that should we head out now?" This is the happiest I've ever been.

We walked together outside, A little too close for my liking, Our hands almost touching and the smiles on our faces, The feels inside of me are indescribable.

We went to the park we sat on the grass, It was dark but the stars are shining. It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.

"So good news, Me and Sam talked without fighting or screaming" I laughed and he did too.

"That's great, See? She's not so bad" Jason said lightly pushing my shoulder. "Yeah I guees, I just hope we become friends, I don't like fighting either."

"Remember bethany, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies" Jason said, He just says the right things at the right times. "We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." I said back at him. We both say the perfect things.

We kept looking at the stars in comforting silence.

"This is perfect" I turned to look at him and gave him a smile. He nodded and said "Oh, Look there's a shooting star" He pointed at the sky with his arm.

"All of sudden, this shooting star went by, and all I could think was that they were listening to us somehow" I said then laughed a little at myself  "You're right, I had the same thought" Jason smiled at me.

Shoot for the moon, even if you fail, you'll land among the stars.

This was it, This was the moment I make my first move, I waited for him so long to do it. But I guess this is the intimate moment.

I leand my face to his for a kiss, He looked over me then moved his head backwards and says "Bethany what are you doing?"

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