Ch.9 "I Trusted You"

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(Chapter Nine)

Life is too short for us to dwell on sadness. Cheer up and live life to the fullest. And that's what I'm going to do.

It was 6 O'clock three hours left for the party tonight, And us girls started to get ready at this instant. It's just what we do.

I came to Sam and Emily showing them a long pink dress "How about this one?" I said looking confident at the dress. Emily said "Beth, we're going to a party not to prom!" Then she and Sam laughed. "Well, What should I wear?" I whined. This will be my first collage party I want it to turn out great and I want to look hot!

"It's not that hard. Just wear the shortest dress you own" Sam wiggled her eyebrows and smirked at me. "B-but I don't own anything short.." Emily and Sam looked at me with wide eyes. Then Sam cheered "Girl you need a whole new make-over" They both pulled me with their arms, Then they started talking nonsense about what should I dress and which hairstyle is gonna match and I was just sitting there like a child not knowing what to do or say. I shook my head and whisper to myself "Smile today, Tomorrow could be worse" 

regardless those discussions they were helping get ready to look suitable and hot and I really appreciate them.

"The final look, come on out Beth let's see" Sam and emily exclaimed. I got out from the door, I was wearing a tight short strapless black dress with a leather badass jacket and studded high heels with smokey eyes and with my messy but stylish blonde long hair. I got to admit I didn't believe it was me. I look hot and different.

"Oh my god, I'd turn gay for you" Emily applauded and laughed I laughed more and said "Okay let's not go that far. Do I really look okay?" I looked around myself with worried eyes. 

"Beth, you look stunning. Jason is missing out on you" Sam teased me laughed. "Okay what's the deal with Jason and Bethany?" Emily asked throwing her hands in the air. "Just a little moment happened between them, So it's all awkward now" Sam shurgged her shoulders. I was kind of discomfited so I didn't say anything and I didn't want to remember what happened but I did after all. 

But I guess life always turns out not as you want but as it should be.

I was pulled away from my thoughts by Sam exclaiming "Okay just give us half an hour so both of us could get ready after we took forever to make you look hot' Sam rolled her eyes and went to the bathroom. I just sat on my bed to lose some time.

All at once Jason texted me and it said -What's up beth- 

He. Just. Texted. Me. My 12 years old girl inside of me started screaming and jumping up and down.

I texted back -Heyy, Not much just sitting on my bed while Sam and Emily are running around like maniacs lol- Keep it cool Beth keep it cool.

He texted a few seconds later -Hahaha I'm not surprised they're always like that. Excited for the party?- 

-Yeah kind of. Will you be attending after all?- 

-Well I have to because you'll be there looking sexy I bet ;)- Holy shit. I'm shaking and I can't stop smiling. He called me sexy and sent a winked face. That's a huge deal.

I texted him saying -Awh Jason you never fail at making me blush- WHAT? Why did I just sent that. Wait wait playback! As far as I know he tells stuff like this to all girls I just embarrassed myself again in front of him, Now I should move away and change my name and be a total loner.

-That's cute. See ya at the party tonight x- And that was the end of text and my life.

Emily and Sam are fianlly done with getting ready and they both look amazing. Sam was wearing a hot red short dress and Emly wore a black and white dress also short. "You guys look great. Can we fianlly go now?" I outcry to both of them. Sam said "No we should go fashionbly late" Ugh I don't get all of this.

After an hour or so we went to the party it was kind of far from the collage, It was in a big buliding it was really huge it has a lot of rooms and stairs kind of perfect for party. 

The party was really crowded and loud I couldn't hear myself think, I walked around a little bit and lost Sam and Emily I paniced I can't be alone at a party I might do something stupid like say lame jokes about kittens to hot guys.

Someone pulled me from the crowd I almost screamed untill I turned around and found out that Jason was the one who pulled me I giggled and said "Hey what are you doing?" Before he could speak and looked at me from head to toe and he bit his lips and said "Damn look at you, I knew you would look sexy but not this much sexiness" He made me blush again. Quick I should hide it before he notice Sam told me to play hard to get.

I smirked and said "I'm not falling for your sweet talk. I should head back to my friends" I turned back to leave but he  grabbed my arm and said "Wait, Save me a dance later?" I pretended to think "Hm we'll see" I smirked at him again then left. Our lifetime is short and limited, but the ideas, actions and thoughts we produce can easily remain unlimited and I think I did pretty good at mine.

I walked around the party it was actually really loud it was playing the song Dark Horse by Katy Perry, That's my jam I wanted to dance to it but I really should find Sam and Emily before.

I found them having shots on the table I walked up to them  "Heyyy how are you doing so far?" Emily said laughing then she hugged me. Wow she's already drunk? We've been here in about 20 minutes.

"Wow I'm so far so good. And you seem to be enjoying yourself" I giggled at Emily. Sam asked "Hey want to do shots with us?" I shook my head and said "Err no I don't think so" I seriously don't want any drinks this night I need to stay sober. Sam begged "Oh come on one shot! Have you seen the glasses? They're so tiny" I hopelessly agreed. We only live once. And I couldn't bare a second time.  "Alright fine give me one of those" I took one shot and drank it quickly and it was too strong for my liking. I guess that's enough.

Emily and Sam ran off to the dance floor to dance and left me alone, again. 

Someone from behind tapped my shoulders, I turned around and found ricky standing with a drink in his hand. "Hey hot stuff. What's your name?" Is he kidding with me? Or is he too drunk? 

"Ricky! It's me Beth" I waved my hand on his face like he's an idiot. Ricky said "What? Really? Wow you look, Hot" He gazed at me with wide eyes it was really creepy. I didn't answer him I just walked away from him before he does something stupid.

I remembered the dance with Jason so I went to the dance floor to look for Sam to tell her. But I only saw Emily dancing with some guy I went up to her and yelled at her ear "Where's Sam?" She yelled back while dancing "I don't know probably in one of the rooms in this building" Then her attention went back to the guy I left her to have some fun. 

I went upstairs to look for Sam I went to room after room and she's no where to be found. I was about to give up from searching Sam untill I heared her voice in one of the rooms I walked to the door and opened and my eyes and mouth were wide open like really really wide.

I refuse to believe what I saw.

I saw Sam and Jason together in the bed kissing...


Hey there. I made this chapter longer than usual I know. But I hope you enjoyed it

What do you think Bethany will do?

Will Sam and Beth ever be friends again?

How could Jason do that to her?

I'd in so much happiness if you voted and stuff xxox

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