Problem #13

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So I have two main ones really: the first is my boyfriend who knows I'm bi and used to try to guilt trip me into having a threesome which is something he really seemed to want. He always said things like "it's probably your secret fantasy though" and almost try make me agree. At the same time he'd always say things like I would never really marry a woman because I'd "miss dick too much" and say things like I was only into girls for sex and nothing else.

The second: although my dad/ whole family doesn't know anything about me being bi they are quite religious and especially my older sister and dad seem to have very strong opinions of lgbt+ people but mostly non heterosexual people (I think they pretty much believe trans people fake it all). Although not aimed at me they always say things like "gay people have never been oppressed" meanwhile also believing that gay couples are paedophiles and that is why they statistically adopt the same sex they are. They also continually reinforce that it is disgusting and unnatural. My sister once told me "lesbians don't exist because they can't have sex." They mostly reinforce that anyone lgbt could never be in the church which is hurtful because I would consider myself a Christian.

- ANONYMOUS, Bisexual

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