Problem #36

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Alright! So a couple of months ago during the summer, I had made a friend on here. She knew I was bisexual so she knew she was gonna offend me by saying what I'm about to say she said. She randomly texted me asking if I could hear her opinion on something and this is what she said:

"This is a little problematic and I'm probably gonna offend you by this however this is just what I feel. but, I don't get the whole lgbtq+ pride month and shit. like, if you're in the lgbtq+ community go for it, I fully support you. However, you're not that important to get a whole fucking month of celebration. you aren't different from straight people, you aren't that special. like, the important people who helped this country should get a month of celebration, not a group of people who have a different sexuality. like nowadays we have to be politically correct and it's all stupid. just bc your sexuality is different doesn't mean you're somehow more important and free from punishment bc you're gay. Like, countless times in my school fucking bullies who should get suspended don't because they say "I'm gay, you're really gonna suspend a gay."

Like okay, sis you still should get suspended. you don't see heterosexuals having a whole fucking month, not even a day, bc we don't care and we don't think we're any different. it's just stupid quite honestly. again if you're in the lgbtq+ community I support you and I want you to be you. I have a lot of friends that are gay, lesbian, bi, pan, etc. however, again, you're not special and any different from us heteros."

To this day I still can't believe she really said those words to me. before I cut ties with her I responded to her with this: "I understand and you're more than welcome to speak your mind. but pride month is so important to many people out there because they want to celebrate who they are. many of them are shamed, beaten, and even killed just for being different. there have been so many cases on transgender people or people that are gay being shot and killed on the streets just because of the same reason. many of them kicked out of their homes because their parents couldn't accept their own children for expressing who they are. so everyone comes together as a community and takes a month to celebrate one another and supporting each other. idk if you've heard about the Pulse night shooting that happened about three years ago but that happened in Orlando. I live in Florida where that happened and it was one of the most horrible things I've ever seen on the news because it was a hate crime. a hate crime against lgbtq+ people. so yes, we take a whole month to ourselves to honor who we are but it's not just a month. it's year-round that we support one another but June is the month where we really go full-on out and really just let loose and have our fun and avenge the ones that couldn't stand with us today because of hate crimes. now, I'm not attacking you or anything of the sort at all I'm just giving my opinion."

Thankfully I haven't come across anyone else who has said this to me but even to this day, her words always haunt the back of my head. I made sure to give her a mature response because I didn't wanna seem childish. after that, she messaged me the next day about something random, no apology whatsoever. I didn't need that kind of bad energy in my life. so don't let people like this ever put any of you down. you are your own person and you are truly loved by so many. 

- Anonymous, bisexual

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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