~•Part Four•~

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My mum instantly burst into tears, I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart. I hated hurting her but what I said was true. I felt a shiver down my spine as I looked up to see my dad staring straight back at me. He had disappointment in his gaze. Naturally, a weak smile appeared on my face. My dads look got even more aggressive so I turned to the kitchen and grabbed Simba's lead. After, I grabbed it I clipped it to Simba's collar and left the house.

I went to the place I always went when I was upset. The river. Something about it calmed me down, I lived right next to a beach but I wanted to think. I always sat on the same bench every time I went. Something about it was special. A couple minutes, went by and I found myself walking along the pathway next to the beach. I wasn't planning to go but I mean I was here now. A smile appeared on my face for a couple seconds when I saw the sign for the boba place. I hadn't been there much so I thought I'd get something.

I tied Simba to a small post outside and walked in. I directed myself to the counter where a young lady was standing. She gave me a smile "Hi there, what can I get you?" The basic thing every cashier said. I scanned the information thing at the top and then asked "Can I get whatever's cheapest?" I didn't have much money, she smiled and started to make a drink. Once she was finished she handed it to me, I was lost for a second so I didn't hear what she said was in the drink.

I exited the shop after I paid. I instantly sipped it, it was pretty nice. When Simba came in view, he started jumping up and down. Simba had always been closer to me than anyone else. I scratched behind his ear and then untied him. As I stood up my eyes were met with light, blue pools. I stood back a little which made me focus on who I was looking at. I scanned him for a couple seconds before introducing myself. He had pink hair, blue eyes and a edgy style (similar to mine) "I'm Jay" I laughed a little as I extended my arm naturally. He smiled and met my handshake "Nolan, people call me Noen." We talked a little bit longer before he had to leave. I swear I had seen his face earlier on tik tok, I shrugged it off and carried on my little adventure.

I eventually, sat down on the pathway next to the beach. It was kind of a ledge so you could dangle your feet. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and got tik tok up, I instantly saw that I had 10 k followers. I refreshed to see if I was crazy, I sat and stared at it "Simba! What the fuck is going on?" I exclaimed as a smile spread across my face. I then remembered that I got on the app to check who the guy I saw earlier was. Naturally, I searched up Noen, which was the name he said he went by. The 4th profile picture looked like the person I saw so I clicked on it. 5 minutes, had gone and I was 100% sure it was that guy. I clicked the follow buttton, he kinda seem similar to me which made me sorta happy.

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