~•Part Five•~

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I stumbled home, all I could think about was Noen. It was the same feeling I had with lily, an instant interest. Which annoyed me because I barely knew them both, my brain was messing with me. I came back into the real world when I found myself stood in front of my house. I exhaled loudly as I pushed against the front door, it was fairly quiet. I bent down to free Simba and then turned to shut the door. As the door shut I heard a voice "Finally, your back. Your mother was worried" it was my fathers voice, I could tell there was a slight bit of disappointment still. I faced him and nodded my head as I hung Simba's lead up.

I ran up the stairs an instantly went to my bedroom. My bedroom was a kinda safe place. I pulled my top and under top off and threw them to the corner of my room. As I usually did I took all my chains off and placed them in a box on my bedside table. I then put a pair of gym shorts on instead of keeping my jeans on. After, I was changed I threw myself onto my checkered duvet. When your mental state isn't the best you get so tired. 2 minutes had past and I had fallen asleep.

Suddenly, my eyes shot open and my breathing got faster. Naturally, I placed my right hand on my chest as sweat dripped down my forehead. I started to cough, my body was desperate for air, desperate for the normal to return. My vision started to get blurry and I felt myself losing hope. I tried to speak but squeaking noises came out instead of words. Eventually, I forced myself to stand up which surprisingly worked. I stood there taking as many deep breathes as I could. Fortunately, my breathing returned and I sat back down on my bed. I placed my hand on my forehead and reached across to grab my phone. The iPhone screen lit up and revealed the time, it was - 4:30am - "I should get some water" I said as I placed my phone back on my bedside table.

Carefully, I walked down the stairs making sure I was quiet. I successfully got to the bottom of the stairs without making any noise. So I directed myself to the kitchen and grabbed a glass out of the cupboard. Then I walked towards the sink and filled the cup up. I turned the tap off and instantly gulped down the water. After having something to drink I felt a lot better but I was still tired. I walked back the way I had come and glanced at the sofa to see Simba peacefully sleeping. Due to being so tired I climbed onto the sofa next to Simba and buried my head in his fur. To keep me warm I pulled a blanket ,that was on the headboard of the sofa, over me. Whenever, I felt rough I would cuddle up to Simba something about it made me feel better.

The Eboy [Noen Eubanks]Where stories live. Discover now